Microsoft surprised everyone with last year’s announcement of a new foldable device, the Surface Duo. Unfortunately when announced there was no exact availability date except for late 2020. IT seems strange that a company would announce a new product a full 12 months before it’s release to the public but we assume Microsoft wanted to build the hype for it.

We have closely monitored any news on the new foldable but any information or leaks have been few and far between. Of course COVID-19 has messed up every companies’ plans for device release in 2020 so far and although Microsoft are also no doubt also affected it seems they are preparing for a release, and soon.

According to Windows Central writer Zac Bowden Microsoft do not want to get lost amongst the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 hype and are thus looking to get in before Samsung release that to the world. The Galaxy Fold 2 is expected to arrive on August 5 which would place the Surface Duo as arriving at the end of July — at the latest.

As per usual take any rumour not directly from the company themselves with a large helping of salt but for Microsoft to bring the date forward so much is a surprise. While the device has — barely — 2019 specs you would think the dual display integration with all of the Microsoft features would not be easy to implement but the Android-powered device has a chance to become the perfect productivity device.

Expect the device to arrive at a premium price as all Microsoft hardware does but it will most likely integrate seamlessly with Windows 10 — especially for the default Microsoft Android apps. Hopefully they are also going to open up their APIs to allow developers to allow their apps to make the most of the new foldable device.

Hopefully Microsoft can pull off an Android device that runs smoothly and is useful for people to use and increase their productivity on an everyday device. Do you think they can do it? How much would you pay for this device?

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Tango India Mike

I get what that there is a lot missing but I’m still interested in the Duo.

As the other posters have commented it will be interesting to see the Android customisations that Microsoft come up with and it’s integration with Microsoft services will I’m sure be a strong point.

If the price is “reasonable” then I’ll get one

James C

I’m still super excited about the Surface Duo, even with the lack of wireless charging and especially NFC, not having NFC is a huge mistake by Microsoft in my honest opinion, mobile payments are common place, especially in these times with the pandemic, I use mobile payments pretty much daily, even for public transportation,I lm currently using a Galaxy Fold, and previously a Pixel 4 XL, I absolutely love the Fold for reading books, now I don’t love the Samsung UI and all the other bloat, as I prefer the Pixel look and feel, but I’ve pretty much turned the… Read more »


The thing that gets me is the main photo. It looks like she is having a very hard time holding that phone and it will slide off at any moment. 2019 specs are fine as really those specs are plenty for 99% of people, we want the latest and greatest only to say that is what we have. Cost wise is an issue, high end phones are so over priced these days that they could easily knock 1k off the price and still make a profit, the basic surface pro is about the same price as a top end phone… Read more »