In a landmark announcement at an event in London, OPPO has pledged to democratise AI technology by integrating generative AI features across all its smartphone product lines. This ambitious move aims to make AI phones accessible to everyone, with the company targeting 50 million users globally by the end of 2024.

OPPO’s initiative will be supported by collaborations with industry giants such as Google, MediaTek, and Microsoft. These partnerships are set to enhance AI phone experiences through a hybrid AI architecture that combines on-device and cloud capabilities. Upcoming OPPO models, including the Reno12 Series and the next-generation Find X Flagship, will feature Google Gemini family LLMs, while MediaTek will assist in optimising chip storage and computational efficiency. Microsoft’s technology will also improve voice and text conversion and connectivity between desktop AI and phones.

Generative AI features on OPPO phones are designed to enhance both productivity and creativity. Users can benefit from fast transcription, real-time translation, and cross-device collaboration. On the creative front, features like OPPO AI Eraser allow seamless photo editing, and multimodal technology enables the generation of creative visual and text content for social media.

OPPO’s extensive AI development, including over 5,000 AI-related patents, underscores its commitment to advancing AI technology. The company envisions a future where intelligent operating systems embedded with AI agents support multimodal interactions, leading to a full-stack transformation and ecosystem restructuring of AI phones.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts a significant market impact, with AI phone shipments in the sub-US$1,000 segment expected to grow by 250% in 2024. This aligns with OPPO’s mission to ensure advanced AI technology is available to a broader audience, enhancing the everyday experiences of users worldwide.

With this bold initiative, OPPO is set to lead the charge in transforming the mobile experience through generative AI, heralding a new era of accessible and innovative AI phones.