Writers can be inspired or uninspired by the environment they write in, so it is no surprise that when it comes to making writing easier, there is always some cool technology to get your creative juices flowing. Smart home gadgets are being used more than ever before, and while they’ve always been handy for lazy or busy days, modern writers can incorporate the latest gadgets to assist them in getting those words on the page. Here’s a list of the top 10 smart home gadgets every writer should use to make their work easier, according to Harley Wade from State Of Writing.

1. Smart Speakers for Voice-Controlled Notes

With a smart speaker, you can speak the words hands-free while your brain is otherwise occupied. Just tell your Amazon Echo or a Google Home smart speaker whatever you want, and it will make a note of it. In fact, you can even get your Amazon Echo to turn on other smart gadgets in your home, remind you to stay focused on the task at hand, or even play your favorite music to help you get into the zone. Another great way to improve your writing routine is hiring State Of Writing – the best essay writing company on the market – to help you with writing projects. This may seem counterintuitive at first glance, but actually getting quality writing help from experts can help you uncork your own creative potential and give you tips on how to be a better writer.

2. Adjustable Smart Desks

A desk that can change height via a verbal command or via an app can transform your entire writing routine. Such a desk has innumerable benefits; here are some of them:

  • Improves Posture: Helps maintain a healthy posture by allowing you to switch between sitting and standing.
  • Reduces Back Pain: Alleviates discomfort and pain by promoting movement and reducing prolonged sitting.
  • Boosts Energy Levels: Standing periodically can increase energy and reduce fatigue.
  • Enhances Productivity: Switching positions can keep you more alert and focused.
  • Promotes Better Circulation: Standing helps improve blood flow and reduces the risk of developing circulation problems.
  • Encourages Movement: Makes it easier to incorporate small exercises and stretches into your workday.
  • Supports Ergonomic Setup: Allows for a customizable workstation that fits your individual needs and preferences.
  • Aids Weight Management: Standing more often can help burn more calories compared to sitting all day.
  • Reduces Risk of Health Issues: Decreases the likelihood of chronic issues like heart disease and diabetes associated with prolonged sitting.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for various tasks and user heights, making it adaptable for different people and work styles.

3. Smart Lighting Solutions

Correct lighting is key to reducing eye strain and maintaining focus. Home automation systems such as Philips Hue allow you to vary brightness and color temperature to match the time of day or your mood (bright white light to keep you alert, warmer hues to relax). You can control these settings from your smartphone or voice assistant.

4. Wi-Fi-Enabled Coffee Makers

A Wi-Fi-connected coffee maker can start making your coffee at your command, be it a verbal one or a tap from a smartphone. By the time you get to the kitchen, your coffee will be ready and waiting. This will make both writing and studying more enjoyable. To aid with the latter even more, try these discursive essay ideas to boost your writing. This can get your creativity up and inspire you to craft a truly excellent paper.

5. Noise-Canceling Smart Curtains

Noise is the writer’s worst enemy. Smart noise-canceling curtains can work wonders to reduce external noise, and some can even be tuned to regulate the level of natural light in your workspace. They can be controlled via a remote, an app, or your voice, allowing you to create the perfect environment for writing.

6. Air Quality Monitors

The effect of good air quality on your mental performance and emotional well-being is enormous. For this reason, a smart air quality monitor can be a worthwhile addition to your writing environment. Such a gadget can detect pollutants and allergens in your writing space, and it can be integrated with other smart home devices to purify the air when necessary.

7. Smart Notebooks

For people who enjoy the experience of writing with a pen but also want the advantages of storing work digitally, smart notebooks provide a perfect solution. Notebooks, such as those made by Moleskine and Rocketbook, work with a specific pen to digitize your handwritten notes and upload them to the cloud for access on any device.

8. Ergonomic Smart Chairs

An ergonomic chair that sends you an alert when you have bad posture? Yes, please! Many writers happily get one of those to help them ward off the aches and pains that come from sitting at their desks for long hours. Some of these chairs can also be synced to other smart devices in your home or office to recommend stretches, breaks, or other exercises to help address writer’s block, back pain, or both.

9. Smart Plugs

Smart plugs transform any old thing into a smart gadget – plug your desk lamp, your fan, whatever it is, into one of these, and you can then control it all from either your voice or your smartphone, so you don’t have to actually get out of your writing zone to turn everything on and off.

10. Virtual Assistant Displays

And for those who can’t use voice control, you can set up calendar reminders or a to-do list for the day or follow along with a tutorial video on a virtual assistant such as the Google Nest Hub or Amazon Echo Show.

Tech Your Way to Writing Success

Integrating these new smart home gadgets into your writing practice is a worthwhile way to keep up with the latest technologies, but that’s not even half of it. These gadgets also provide better writing conditions, greater comfort, and more creative opportunities. According to Harley Wade, the right tools for the job can take the drudgery out of writing, eliminate stress, and allow your mind to focus on the creative process. Give these gadgets their due, and you might see your writer’s block disappear. So, get geared, get smart, and write on!