When shifting to remote learning, you need a laptop to meet your learning needs. Finding the right machine can be a challenge, especially with many laptops available on the market, and the sellers are always looking to convince you to make a purchase. Having the right information about the features you desire is important to avoid falling into the trap of purchasing a machine based on a seller’s recommendation. So, here’s a compilation of key features to consider when buying a laptop for remote learning.


You don’t want a slow machine that will start acting up when you are busy writing an assignment and make you wonder, “Who will help rewrite my essay fast?” An underperforming laptop will create challenges in attaining your learning goals. Therefore, the performance of a laptop should be a vital thing to consider. To find a machine with the right performance, consider your education needs and how such needs can evolve. It would be prudent to purchase a device that will handle the huge academic workload as you progress from one class to another. For instance, first-year coursework isn’t as much as that you’ll encounter in your final year. Considering that it might not be easy to keep changing your computer every year, purchasing one that you’ll use to the end of the program would be wise.


The RAM goes hand in hand with the computer’s performance. If you undertake a lot of multitasking, you will need sufficient RAM to ensure the machine operates optimally without lagging. For instance, a sufficient RAM will allow you to browse while creating your presentations and Word documents simultaneously. 4GB RAM should be the minimum RAM to consider; if you can get 8GB RAM, it will be better. If the course you are studying entails using various high-powered software, you should look for a higher RAM.

Hard Drive

Before purchasing, ask about the space on the device’s hard drive. The hard drive is the space where data gets stored. Perceive your hard drive as your bookshelf; the larger your bookshelf is, the greater your chances of storing more books. The same is the case for your laptop. You will store all your data on your hard drive, meaning that if you have a small storage, you will not be able to store enough data on your device.

USB Ports

A laptop for long-distance learning should be versatile. There is a high chance you’ll need to plug in multiple devices on the laptop. For instance, you might need to connect your phone and a storage device at the same time. Therefore, having only a single USB port will be inadequate. Purchase a machine with multiple ports to give you space to plug in your mouse, flash drives, and other devices you might want to plug in.

Wireless Features

Many laptops come with wireless communication options, and if you are buying one, ensure that it provides you with this option. Wireless communication means your laptop will be able to access the internet anywhere internet services are provided. This feature is important for remote learning because you will find yourself in different locations, and access to the internet is paramount to your learning. If you find yourself in an environment with no Wi-Fi, you might need to use your phone’s Wi-Fi hotspot, and the machine you buy should support that.

Screen Quality

If you have a lot of classes, you will spend a lot of time in front of your screen, which presents the need to buy a device that is easy on your eyes. The glossier screens reflect light on a person’s surroundings, so always keep this concept in mind. Depending on how long you will use your laptop on a daily basis, you should look for a screen resolution of 1920 by 1080 HD. This resolution guarantees a good image quality. If possible, visit a computer store and compare the image quality of various machines to determine one that will give you a better experience.

Webcam and Microphone

You will always need to log into videoconferencing platforms used for your remote learning. You will only enjoy a seamless experience if you have a high-quality webcam and microphones. A high-quality webcam will allow people on the other end, especially your teachers and classmates, to see you when you are communicating. Communication is more effective when the parties involved can see each other and listen to what they are saying. A low-grade microphone will result in low audio quality for your listeners, making collaboration challenging.


In remote learning, you will carry your laptop from place to place, especially when you combine work with your education. A large laptop is a heavier one, and you will find it challenging to walk around with it all the time. Depending on your learning needs and how often you feel, you will walk around with your laptop, assess the size of the machine you want to purchase and buy one that meets your needs.

Battery Life

If you are a person who will be moving up and down when learning remotely, you should also consider the battery life of the laptop. A laptop with a longer battery life will serve your purposes better. It can be very frustrating if your machine goes off when you are in the middle of your class and you have no power source close by. With a long battery life, you can join your class without any worries and stay until the end of the lesson without any power challenges.

Closing Remarks

When opting for remote learning, you will need a laptop with features that will make your learning smooth. To determine a machine with the right features, you should evaluate various factors such as the course you are studying and the software requirements, how often you’ll be carrying the laptop around, the number of devices you’ll need to connect to the machine when in use, and the nature of communication with professors and classmates.