If you’ve got kids, you know that when they’re sick having to poke and prod them with a thermometer, even one of the IR ear thermometers is a hassle. Vivalnk has launched Fever Scout, a smart, continuous monitoring smart thermometer that connects to your phone or tablet.

The Fever Scout is made of silicon and is BPA free, it’s apparently gentle on the skin using medical grade adhesives and is even approved for use by the US Federal Drug Administration. The adhesives are ‘technically’ one use, with refills available to purchase separately.

Anecdotally from my own testing, the patch itself is quite soft, so your little one shouldn’t worry about having it connected to their skin for long periods meaning you can monitor their temperature through the night without waking them.

The Fever Scout is connected to an app which is available for free in Google Play, which lets you access the Fever Scout by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) giving you a long range of around 30 metres. The app lets you check remotely as well as log the temperatures throughout their illness, which means you can share that data with your Dr if the need arises. The app can even send an alert to your device if the temperature reaches a pre-set amount.

It’s a rechargeable device with a life of about 1 week on a full charge. There are a couple of contacts on the base that simply touch the connectors on the recharge unit sold with the device and it starts charging. The recharge unit acts as a case as well to protect the Fever Scout when not in use, so it’s charged and protected the next time you need to use it. The recharger runs on 3x AAA batteries which should power your device for a fairly long time.

So, it sounds good, where can you get it? Well, it’s marketed exclusively in the US right now, but you can order it from Amazon. The unit itself sets you back about $60USD with shipping around the $7USD mark. The adhesive refill pack contains 8 adhesives and will set you back about $8 per pack, but that’s not too bad, so order some at the same time and you should be right.

If you want to see more info, you can check it out on feverscout.com.

Daniel flew to CES Asia as a guest of the Consumer Technology Association.

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    Is it just me or does Amazon not ship it to Australia?