The default OS sounds that many users are familiar with when using OSX or Windows are something you either love or hate, some people just disable sounds entirely while other revel in that Startup or Shutdown sound. And now ChromeOS is about to get its own default sounds.

François Beaufort, the ChromeOS advocate from Google, has advised that sounds for Startup, Lock, Unlock and Shutdown actions will be included in the next ChromeOS Dev update. The sounds are included on the Chromium Assets page but you can also check them out by clicking on them below:





It’s quite exciting to watch ChromeOS growing before your eyes, little tweaks here and there are building on what was a pretty basic OS into something with a lot more function and usability. I personally will probably disable the sounds – like I do on Windows – but it’s good to see the small things are being looked at as well as the big things.

Source: Francois Beaufort.