Over at Phandroid.com, an anonymous source has sent them what looks like a slide from a presentation from Samsung which lists the Samsung Galaxy S lineup of phones culminating in a list of specifications for the Galaxy S III. No release date is given but the specs are looking pretty juicy. Hit more for the slide and spec list.

The image lists the specs and the source also advised some further information listed here :

  • Dual-core 1.8GHz Exynos 4212 CPU
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 12MP rear camera with 1/2.3″ W750 BSI CMOS sensor (no mention of details for front facing camera)
  • LTE (No mention of the bands or GSM)
  • NFC
  • 4.6-inch Super AMOLED Plus HD (not curved like the Nexus Prime is rumoured to have)
  • Ice Cream Sandwich

The interesting thing to note is the change in the physical design of the handset – perhaps trying to get away from any legal challenges, it certainly reminds me of the Omnia series of phones. The source also mentioned that the SGS III would retain four physical buttons despite running Ice Cream Sandwich which incorporates software buttons in the OS, also mentioned is that this phone would be even thinner than the already extremely thin Galaxy S II.

As with all these early leaks, this information should really be viewed as very much unconfirmed but those specs if released make it look very attractive .

Source: Phandroid.
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Ausdroid. Please don’t get into running sh*t like this. Rehashing someone elses BS story. Its a fake, you know its a fake. We really don’t want to go down the iPhone 5 path agsin do we. …

With the iPhone it was to see who could break the story – fake or not. And they were all wrong.

Sites lost plenty of cred in my opinion.

Buzz Moody

I don’t think anyone is in a position to confirm it’s fake..

See this about the old leak about the Galaxy S II and how it turned out in the end: http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/11/11/were-pretty-sure-the-samsung-february-2011-flagship-device-renders-are-fake-heres-why/


“Copiying” … I’d be sacking my marketing department if this is the case.


More reasons to believe that it is fake:
– Samsung would have transparent PNGs of their phones, or at least put the image on a white background so that it doesn’t look like a grade 3 student presentation.
– The fact that it is titled ‘Samsung Mobile Solution’ the correct term would be ‘Solutions’
– I am positive I saw an image of that phone months ago, it looks like an edited image of a  Sony Ericsson Vivas.

Buzz Moody

See this about the old Galaxy S II slide leak: http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/11/11/were-pretty-sure-the-samsung-february-2011-flagship-device-renders-are-fake-heres-why/


EDIT: Beaten to it by Jake Oliver. My mistake.

vijay alapati

2 gb of ram is too much

Justin Harvey

update from engadget:
One other piece of evidence that leads us to believe this is fake is the fact that the term “Super AMOLED Plus HD” is used; if this were real, Samsung would likely use its proper terminology, which isHD Super AMOLED.


Private internal presentation? Really? Why would they even put that.. Totally fake.

I’m really hoping the screen isn’t 4.65″. Why does it need to be so big? 4.3″is big enough.


Bigger is better. 🙂

I’d be fine with a 4.65″ screen. I could definitely go larger than the 4.3″ on my SGSII.

Jake Oliver

Also, I’ve never heard of the word “Copiying” before 😛


Anyone else think the phone shown in the slide just looks like a Samsung Wave with poorly shopped ICS launcher and Galaxy S II wallpaper on it?

On top of that, the picture shows the three ICS menu buttons, but the source claims that it has 4 physical buttons. So either this is fake or the image is just a placeholder.

I don’t know. The specs are fine, but I think I’m not going to believe any of these supposed leaks until Samsung themselves say something.

Justin Harvey

“The source also mentioned that the SGS III would retain four physical buttons”
The SGS line has only had 1 physical button, home and two capacitive, menu and back not four. 
Im guessing they are talking about volume up, down, power on/off and maybe a camera shutter button.

Daniel Tyson

Not sure, could be referring to the US versions of the SGS II which had capacative buttons on them?