Falcon Pro

Falcon Pro is one of the most popular third party Twitter clients available for Android and has received a lot of attention lately due to it hitting the maximum number of users Twitter is allowing for third party clients.

Well, now Joaquim Verges has made the app available for free for all existing users of Falcon Pro.

As you might know, Falcon Pro has reached its maximum amount of users.

That doesn’t mean the app is dead, that means I had to find a way to provide updates for existing users only. And I found a way to do just that.

Falcon Pro updates will now be available for free from http://getfalcon.pro

The one catch is that you must already have your own token to use the app. If you purchased Falcon Pro and have used the app before, you will already have a token you can use. Simply download the app and login.

That way, existing users can still get updates and enjoy the app, and I’m not breaking any Twitter rule.

So, if you are an existing Falcon Pro user, head over to http://getfalcon.pro and get the latest version and check out Joaquim’s post for more details.

If you aren’t an existing user of Falcon Pro, and you’d like to give it a try, there may be an Easter egg built into this release of Falcon Pro that allows you to use your own API keys to access Twitter. We’re not going to give it away, but if you’re game, download the app from the link above, and see if you can find the secret activation!

Update: For those of you struggling with the Easter egg, check out this post by Fernando Gonzรกlez for all of the details.

Source: Joaquim Verges.
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    I really like FP but there is one thing that is bugging me and i may have to leave it as i cant let it go. When i refresh my tweets it may say there is 200 which i will scroll through at my own pace(i update manually), however if during reading these tweets i decide to tweets someone using the search button from the menu bar when i go back to my unread tweets it has scrolled to the top of the timeline even though it shows me i might have 175 still to read. It is very annoying… Read more ยป


    bought the paid as soon as it hit the play store, but I’m not able to login now.


    GOT IT!! ๐Ÿ˜€


    Hmmmm, this puzzle is getting on my nerves now. I won’t quit till i find out how to get in!


    Love this app….. And good news on the workaround…. Screw you Twitter! Developers like this encourage use of Twitter. Your app is terrible and without these guys I’d probably not go to Twitter as frequently as I do.