Google Translate

If you’re an active Google+ user it’s likely you’re following some sporting teams, celebrities or sites that have multinational following. An obvious result of this is comments being in French, German, Italian, Chinese or any number of other languages. The problem here is while Google Translate is brilliant and generally very accurate (There have been some notable exceptions to this) at translating languages, it will only do one per page.

A new function that is being rolled out gradually to Google+ users, is a translate button, which will start appearing under G+ comments that are not in your default language. To make sure you’re getting the right options presented to you it’s important that you visit the Google Settings page and ensure that your default language is setup correctly for you.

While it may seem a pretty simple thing to add, it’s got huge potential to open communications between people all over the world who like me; aren’t multilingual.

Do you think this will make a difference to your G+ experience?

Source: Google's G+ Page.