If you’re a news hungry user of Google Pay you’ll probably be happy to see a new Google Pay perk arriving in your inbox offering 6 months of digital access to the Washington Post.

The perk is targeted at new users only, offering 6-month free ‘Basic’ digital access trial to the Washington Post, after which you’ll be charged $10USD which apparently works out to $15.99 AUD every month thereafter until you cancel.

You can cancel at any time during the trial though, so at 5 months and 29 days you can cancel your trial and avoid being charged – and charged you will be with the trial linked to your Google Pay account.

The trial includes Unlimited access to washingtonpost.com on any device and all Washington Post apps.

The offer is valid until 12/31/2018 for Google Pay users, but it may be targeted to only current users so check your Inbox for an offer.

Source: Washington Post.
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    It’s a bit like the YouTube Music deal… You enter your credit card number. They give you free access for a number of months, after which you start getting automatically charged every month.

    What they’re doing is hoping you’ll forget to cancel. I’m not saying you shouldn’t join up, though maybe you should use Google Calendar to set yourself a reminder on the last free day