Let’s face it, Microsoft is reborn, somehow they have gone from mega evil scourge of the technosphere to an almost beloved company who is just providing you thoughtful experiences. Why? We think it’s because they’re not in front, however, with Windows and Office they have major platforms, so they can afford to sit back a bit and let others take the heat.

Microsoft’s latest touch of thoughtfulness is the additional of quick action customisation for the Outlook Android app. Notifications are one of the most powerful features of Android. The inclusion of quick actions into the notification allowing you to complete routine tasks right from the notification shade made the notifications all the more useful.

But what if you want to choose those quick actions? We’re not aware of any apps that provide that flexibility, until now. Traditionally you wither had preset action or depending on the context the app may offer different actions. Now in Outlook for Android, you can choose what features you want.

Head on int settings and the new ‘custom actions’ and you can change the 2 quick actions, options include; Archive, Delete, Mark read, Flag, Read & Archive and none. Once set up your next email will be displayed with your new options.

While not a huge update it is 100% going to make a big difference to how useful Outlook notifications are for me. Good job Microsoft Outlook team, nicely done. If you’re not using Microsoft outlook to manage emails you can grab it from the Google Play Store.

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook
Price: Free
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    They’re not in front? Are you referring to the mobile space only cause Windows is most used computer os. Office 365 is most used productivity tool. They are gaining rapidly in the cloud space.
    I think it’s more because Ballmer is no longer running the place and it’s no longer a Windows 1st focus.
    The reason they can do all these awesome stuff in the mobile space is because they’re in front in so many areas to gain wide adoption.

    Last edited 4 years ago by Eric

    this is an awesome feature!