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Monday, May 20, 2024
Home 2020


Spot X 2-way satellite messenger – stay safe and in touch, anywhere on earth

We spend an awful lot of time talking about mobile services, and with that term, we typically refer to terrestrial mobile services - things like smartphones, tablets and other connected devices which use land-based...

Into the Wild: Comparison of Iridium vs Inmarsat vs Thuraya in the field

We've been looking at satellite communications for the last few weeks as part of our Into the Wild series, and we thought what better way to compare the options available than to grab three...

ACCC issues draft ruling not to declare domestic Australian roaming… what next?

In a move that sadly doesn't really surprise too many, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (the ACCC) has handed down a draft ruling which will not declare a wholesale domestic mobile roaming service. If...

Into the wild: Pivotel’s Big Bundle with the Thuraya SatSleeve

For the last week, I've been testing out something which many of the average consumers probably won't have a need to use -- a satellite communication service. However, you can push out of your...

Pivotel announces new satellite-powered Big Bundle for smartphone users who travel widely

You've probably heard of satellite phones, and most of you would probably associate the product with big bulky phones that you take if you're disappearing into the bush or something, not something that might...

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