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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home 2016


No, Twitter isn’t switching to a curated timeline, says CEO

The internet has been abuzz the last couple of days with rumours that Twitter might be adopting a Facebook-style curated timeline instead of the default, reverse chronological timeline that its users have come to...

Android Wear now has a Twitter account

Android Wear has its own Twitter account, a fact that escaped us as it slipped quietly under the radar in late December. Android Wear can now be found on its Twitter account, only a couple of months...

Facebook finally launches Instant Articles for Android users

Facebooks Instant Articles was announced as a way of attempting to speed up webpages on mobile in order to keep users reading and sharing, all without leaving the confines of the social network. Launched...

Twitter for Android now utilising Chrome Custom Tabs when opening links clicked on by...

Google announced Chrome Custom Tabs back at I/O earlier this year and since then we have seen the feature rolled out in Chrome Mobile version 45 in September, now it seems that Twitter users...

Periscope update brings landscape broadcasting and more

Twitter's live video broadcast app Periscope has received some neat new features according to the Periscope blog. The headline feature for the update is the inclusion of landscape mode, probably the most-requested feature since the...

Periscope for Android updates with option to update profile and login with phone number

Twitter's social video streaming app Periscope has received an update, adding a few new features and functions to the relatively new app. A long with the usual bug fixes and improvements, Periscope will now let...

Twitter announces auto-play video for vines, videos and animated GIFs

Twitter has been showing videos, animated GIFs and Vine videos inline for a while now, but according to Twitter, the static images aren't a fantastic experience when trying to view real-time events, with several...

Twitter to remove 140 character limit for direct messages, starting July

Twitter have made some pretty significant announcements today, including the departure of their CEO Dick Costolo. However, that doesn't impact too much upon the enjoyment of Twitter on Android. The removal of the 140...

Periscope arrives on Android; let the live streaming wars commence

Although it doesn't seem quite ready for download yet, multiple US sites are reporting that Periscope - the Twitter-owned live streaming app that launched against Meerkat earlier this year on iOS devices - is...

Social Networks
