LG’s G6 is out now, and Android fans are looking ahead to what’s next, and they may not have too long to wait with a new report suggesting that LG is looking to move up the launch of both the V30 and G7.

The report from Korean site The Investor suggests that LG is looking to move up the launch of the LG V30 to August, while the LG G7 could make its appearance as early as January.

LG launched the V20 last year in September, and The Investor says that LG is looking to launch the phone in August. The G7 is going to be moved up three months with a launch apparently set for January. While the rumour is out there, an LG spokesperson has said ‘Nothing has been decided on the launch schedule of the upcoming phones’.

The V30 is expected to launch with an OLED display, with Google announcing on-stage at Google I/O that an upcoming LG flagship would be ‘Daydream ready’. The V-series handsets have previously come with secondary displays, with rumours showing some quite different concepts for how that display would work on the V30.

The G7 is also expected to utilise an OLED display, as well as being powered by a Snapdragon 845 processor.

LG has struggled in the last couple of years bringing their handsets to market at almost the same time as Samsung. An earlier release cycle, beating both the Note series handsets – which after the Note 7 failure last year have their own issues – as well as the S series handsets to market would benefit LG greatly.

We’ll soon see what’s happening with August just a couple of short months away.

Source: The Investor.
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John Bousattout

All of these stories about the G7 getting nice things and all i’m thinking of is ‘I hope LG make the Pixel 2 with all these nice things too’