Ahead of Samsung’s Unpacked event (just a couple of weeks away), the company is in marketing overdrive preparing for an onslaught of new mobile devices.

Among the new mobiles expected is a foldable phone, and though we’ve seen bits and pieces of it previously, we now have a working demonstration in an upcoming marketing video.

Overnight Samsung released its “Galaxy: The Future” video. It shows some of the current range of Galaxy devices, such as the Note 9. The video also shows some concept Galaxy devices, including a robot tattooist powered by a Galaxy tablet, and a USB-C ultrasound device.

Most interesting for us, though, is a sneak peak at the Galaxy foldable. You can watch the entire video above, or this repeating GIF which has the star of the show:

Given the SuperBowl is on in the US at the moment, it’s likely that the “Galaxy: The Future” video will be shown as part of the advertising push. I’ll be more interested in seeing a real foldable phone rather than something that’s obviously a mockup (the screen doesn’t move when touched, suggesting it’s been put together in post-production rather than a girl looking at a real product), but whatever. It’s still cool.