Samsung personal assistant, Bixby, which launched back 4 years ago with the Samsung Galaxy S8, also launched with a plug in to take advantage of AR technology to assist with finding products for shopping, but it now seems that this feature is going to be killed off later this month.

Samsung had begun sending out notices to its users late last month advising that Bixby Vision would no longer be supported starting later in October. No specific date had been provided for the cut off, but based on what the notice is saying, the Bixby Vision feature could possibly still be active through to the end of this month (October).

The notice advising of the plug in closure, states:

Notice of Changes to Our Service

Thank you for using Bixby Vision.

The AR features (Places, Makeup, Home Decor, Styling) on Bixby Vision will no longer by supported starting from the end of October. The AR features that have been supported by each country may be different.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you again for using Bixby Vision. We appreciate your continued interest and support.

Whilst for users of Samsung’s Bixby personal assistant would rejoice that Bixby isn’t being completely killed off completely, just the one useful plug-in will be.

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It was never very accurate, so I’m not surprised it’s been axed. Besides, there’s always Google lens, which Bixby vision could never match


Bit of a shame seeing stuff get discontinued , with the big companies they seem to practice the suck it and see approach fairly often.
Credit to them for trying stuff.
Hopefully bixby doesn’t get canned , it’s handy having two slightly differently focused AI systems..
I look forward to the day when AI in the home gets really serious and interacts with us like HAL in the movie. ….. Except without the death part 😄.