Kayo Sports is a fantastic service that delivers streaming sports to users without needing a Foxtel account. That’s a great start, as is the pricing for a multi-screen account. But in a recent help post, Kayo has revealed that prices are increasing from the 9th of May.

As a regular user of Kayo, of course, I’d rather not see the price go up by 10% for my account. I also understand the licencing, technology investment, and other costs involved in running the service. These are listed as the primary drivers for the price increase:

The increase reflects the continual investment in technology and content costs for Kayo to deliver two concurrent streams of the best sporting content. This includes access to more than 12,000 live sport events made available on the platform over the past six months, 25 per cent more than the prior year.

The increase for the Basic Plan is $2.50 per month up to $27.50, while the premium plan goes up to $35 per month. As part of the price changes, Kayo is also introducing rebranding Kayo Lite as Kayo One: A single screen option for $25 per month. While it’s a potential pathway to increasing the user base, it feels more like an effort to appease existing users with an option that keeps monthly costs the same.

Perhaps a future option could be an SD only, single-screen account for a low price to get new users in the door. Regardless of personal thoughts on the matter, the prices are going up in just over a week, so if you’re going to drop to a lower plan, it’s time to act.

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I get $10 a month off Kayo for being a Telstra customer. If it wasn’t for that I would dump Kayo. A normal movie/tv streaming service instead would offer better value imho, than watching an AFL football match or two each week.