What do you do when you want people to know about your phone? You start giving them away for free! And that is exactly what Motorola Australia plan to do.

Throughout July, Motorola will be giving away a Milestone each week to a person who becomes a fan of them on Facebook & then tells them why you love the Milestone. Sounds simple enough.

Hit the source link below to enter!

Source: Motorola Australia.
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Jon Smith

I can understand why they are giving it away as it is late to the market here, the Droid 2 is due out in the next month and the Droid X is out now. Plus as far as looks go out of the box it is pretty bland looking compared to the HTC and Sony as it is not running Motoblur. But if you run launcher pro(http://www.launcherpro.com/) it makes it a very funky looking phone. At this point it seems that 2.2 will be coming to the Milestone but as of yet no date has been stated. It would have… Read more »

Sam K

They should call the promotion: Phone for a shilling! 😛


Great call hahahahah


How can you know if you love it until after you have used one?


maybe actually selling them would also work!