Three has put the Galaxy S up on their online store for pre-orders only, and expect stock to ship within two weeks. It is currently priced on the $59 promo cap, and includes $50 credit if you order online.

Update: Vodafone have launched it on their site also, for the same price as Three.

As for plans below the $59 cap:

  • $49 – $10/m repayment
  • $39 – $10/m repayment
  • $29 – $14/m repayment

Have you pre-ordered yet? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Three Store.
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Now that i have an SGS, im loving this phone way more than i even thought i would. As ive posted above, my friend has the Optus version and it has way more issues than mine. Noticably slower, etc. Three have a newer 2.1 rom on there and it seems to have a lot of speed issues fixed, which is encouraging for those experiencing issues, as they will be fixed by the 2.2 update in October. Only changes i have made is to apply the lag fix, but even before that it was snappy. Also to all those having issues… Read more »


Great advice X, thanks!!!


Personally I was with Optus until I moved to Three just over two years ago and hated them. I since then met a few people who are also with them and can’t wait to get off of their network. (Virgin is an Optus reseller so it’s the same network). The issues I had was network speed and cost blowing out of the cap.

With Three (soon VHA), I was very happy with the coverage, customer service and network speed. Yesterday I migrated to VHA in order to get the Galaxy S.


Thanks A


I’m tossing up between Three and Virgin – can someone tell me whose coverage/network service is more reliable please? Currently based in Sydney inner west…often travelling interstate…


hi, lakrisi: thks for the advice… i went to the crazy john store in the city last sat, they told me they got 2 phones in on friday but both sold out. new stock will be in only on tue. did u get one from CJ? or u prefer to wait for voda ? most of my frens advise me to wait for voda as CJ doesnt seem so “trustworthy” being a reseller and not the network itself. read a previous post by Aryan and CJ seem reliable enough but also have a lot of negative comments abt them, particularly… Read more »

Cheat Hacker

Alos Galaxy S $10 per month on $49 cap with Three and $5 per month on $49 Cap with Vodafone. What’s going on here I though VHA doing same kind of deals.



Lakrisi: can i ask u something? u really saw galaxy s in crazy john store in doncaster? what abt other stores like the one in the city?
if its true, i’lll be getting one by 2moro instead of another 2 agonising weeks!! thks for the good news! =)


I didn’t see the actual phone. But it’s on there display and the sales person told me that they just got some stock in this morning (Friday). I was surprised and asked her is it possible me to grab one today She said Yes. And I almost did ;). I can’t tell you anything about City store. Why don’t you just ring them and ask ?


Went to Crazy Johns (Doncater, VIC) today and they already got Galaxy S in stock even though their web site still says coming soon 😮 . it’s free on their $49 cap


Oh no, had you just signed up with Virgin?


Yes.. I signed up with Virgin On last Tuesday while I’m still on contract with Voda. Only reason I was happy to pay for cancellation fee so I could get this beauty asap and I was expecting to get this on my hand last Wednesday and I stayed home because Virgin website says next day delivery if you live in metro area. My phone arrived on Thursday but I wasn’t home. So MessengerPOST driver left me a note saying collect my item from Post Office after 4pm thursday. So I went there on Friday morning and afternoon to find out… Read more »


I’ve been trying to upgrade on three and it’s a friggin nightmare. Stores can’t help you, phone (both three care and three direct)can’t take the orders.


Just been at Crazy John’s in Chatswood and besides the sales woman there being very good at what she does and finding me the best deal she could, someone there which looked like a manager told me they expect it in store on the 16th.

Now I have to find something which will answer wife’s requirements (she herself is not so sure) and off I go with them.


any thoughts that the lengthy delay in releasing the SGS by the other carriers is so they can sell it with Froyo already installed?


yes i would say that is Telstra’s strategy, but a strange one since the update path to 2.2 is so simple even noobs can do it. i would say it makes more sense to get it out asap while the hype is hot


sorry , hit the publish button too soon!

Overall, I’m a very happy CJ customer, and think they offer very good value.


@Aryan – thanks very much for your response. Very much appreciated.



I’m currently using my UK Desire on Crazy Johns. Its the Voda network, and you basically get the same coverage and network as Vodafone. As a previous Virgin and 3 customer, I’m very happy with this. The network is more reliable than my home ADSL2+ and is nearly (but not completely) as fast as Telstra NextG.

I’m also impressed with Vodafone coverage outside cities. I used Google Maps on a recent visit to South Australian wineries and between EDGE and 3G, I was covered even in the most rural places



I have just upgraded to the Galaxy S on Virgin using the $49 EasyCap $450 calls & text (Inc. International Calls) plus 500Mb Data.

Could of went with $49 Smartcap $300 calls & 2Gig Data but wanted the calls.


My wife just picked up a brochure from Crazy John, which I understand is a Vodafone reseller. They offer the Galaxy on a $49 cap (=$450) which includes 1GB of data or 250 SMS, 15% off for a 2nd service, on Vodafone network. This sounds pretty much the same as what people report here about Optus, only without the slow Optus network, the high cost per second (which translates to less talk time per $49) or the crappy customer service. Does anyone know how Crazy John stack up to Three/Vodafone in terms of network, customer service, warranty etc.? Are they… Read more »


I can’t see the advantage of pre-ordering it. You’d get it at the same time.

It’s almost worth waiting to see if Telstra is going to do their ridiculous 99 thing or not.

This pricing is all whack, why would it be + 10 on 49 and 39 plans.

Voda is cheaper though – its 49+5


I can’t believe I waited this long for Voda to announce this overpriced. Just put my order in with Virgin mobile free on $49 cap with huge 2gb of data. I think you can get this free on $39 cap on Virgin. Bye bye Voda


Just ordered it over the phone, got the $50 credit plus 2 months free.
I signed up for the $59 cap.


How’d you score those?


I called Voda to pre-order, about half way through the call I told the salesman that i should have another look at the phone in shop.

First he offered me 1 month free, i didn’t take the offer. He comes back with 2 months free, at this point i was going for 3 months free. 3 months seemed a little to much for the salesman and i just settled for 2 months free.

It takes a good 10mins but well worth it.