It’s been a little while since we’ve had a competition for you guys, so we’ve got together with the wonderful folk at NDrive who provide in-depth navigation software for mobile devices.

How to win

  • Download the 7 day trial of NDrive off the Android Market
  • Leave a comment here of your honest thoughts of the app
  • Leave a comment on the Android Market with your thoughts and Ausdroid username

At the end of the 7 days (22nd) winners will be chosen to receive a full license of NDrive.

Conditions of entry: By entering you agree to provide NDrive with your device’s IMEI to allow them to unlock the software on your device. You also allow us to contact you via email to notify you of your victory.

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    I don’t understand why the map always takes me to Wellington, New Zealand every time I reopen it (I’m in Sydney).
    Also, the app does not turn off the GPS when you are done using it.


    Works great. Recalculates alternative routes quickly too. Could do with text-to-speech to read out road names. Would also be nice if the routing preferences have an added option to prompting at each new trip (toll road avoidance, shortest or fastest route etc).


    NDrive is really a great alternative to Google Maps Navigation. Most everywhere I go I see carriers upping rates for mobile data, taking away unlimited plans, so the less data an app has to use, the better. Having maps loaded on your phone is a great way to avoid this, along with giving navigational abilities in places where service is not available at all. The voices are natural, the directions are accurate, and the maps are complete. Very impressed.


    Okay gonna download and give it a show. Will post review 7 days later =)

    Kevin is 250.77mb download, but the progress bar says 521.55mb O__O?


    My review as follows, after 5 days of playing around with it. The motivation of trying out NDrive was to find a software, other than Google map, that provides genuine direction from A to B without hassle. I tested it on LG Optimus GT450 (2.1) and Samsung Galaxy S (2.1) to compared the spec performance. I travelled around Perth with my TomTom GPS, Galaxy on GoogleMap and Optimus on NDrive. =) One selling point for me is the big button interface on smalls screens, that makes it easier to navigate while driving (haha, I know it’s dangerous but hey some… Read more »


    opps, CC == Kevin. It’s me typing at work =P


    Fudge! These maps are expensive!


    Awww, Buzz, you deleted my wonderful review. 🙁


    G’day all! Just downloaded the trial map for AUS, seems to be decently accurate and will give a more extensive GO this afternoon 🙂


    Very strange, Aus maps are not allowed to try. Why?


    Well… Any chance we can actually TRY the aus maps? Guess they need to allow that first. Uninstalling….


    ADSL2+ connection, taking a while to download only 28MB, maybe the servers are slow? I will post review once I play with it 🙂


    The ‘other guy’ was me.
    From what I have heard once you actually have the maps the app isn’t too bad.
    My view is that it needs a bit of a makeover in the UI department.
    It also crashed on me the first time I used it although it worked fine the second time.
    In my view, the app would do its purpose when it came to navigation but from what I saw on my Huawei Ideos the app itself needs to be polished.


    Now that I can try it I’ll give it another go!


    Just re-downloaded the NDrive app and while it’s UI doesn’t suit Android it does it’s job as a Navigation App beautifully. It locked on to my location in around 10 seconds and determined the routes to the various addresses I entered even quicker. While Google navigation DOES have a nicer UI I would still use NDrive over it simply because its maps are accurate and it doesn’t require any data, which for me, is a great big bonus. In summary, the android NDrive application has a lot of potential and it will be interesting seeing how it develops in the… Read more »


    After seven days and going on multiple trips relying on NDrive, I can say it has not let me down once.
    Example. Me and family travelled to Yass a day or two ago. It was stormy and raining and yet NDrive was still able to get a quick GPS fix.
    It was so accurate that it even got the time I was going to get home to right from the first minute.
    UI aside, it was a pleasure to use NDrive as it was accurate, and that’s what matters to me most.