As a lot of you have noticed, we have not had a Wednesday Deal for a number of weeks. I thought it would be better to summarise why and what is going to be happening in the future, in this little blog post. The main reason they have not been happening over the last couple of weeks is two-fold.

First off, our great mate at MobiCity who preps the deals for us and sets them up for all you out there, recently just had his first baby, well he didn’t his partner did, anyway, that has been a large partition of it, as with any new baby it’s a time of change and adjustment and we have all welcomed and appreciated that. All the best to him and his partner in the challenge and experience, that is parenthood. The second is with Buzz stepping back, I have taken over the role of doing to the Wednesday Deals and as such have had to liase with a number of people, this has taken a bit of time.

Overall however, this has been sorted and everything is smack on. We have got a new process in place for this, thanks to the guys at MobiCity and Wednesday Deals should (finger crossed) be back on next week. During the past few weeks we apologise for the lack of communication in relation to this, especially as they were such a big hit. Please rest assured they haven’t died a TouchPad-ish death and will be back stronger then ever. Thank you everyone for your patience.

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    Excellent. I need a cheapish Android for the wife!