Sony Ericsson have just announced that starting October they will be pushing out Android 2.3.4 to their 2011 lineup of Xperia devices, which covers: Xperia Neo, Xperia Play and Xperia Arc; all of which are available in Australia.

The update not only brings the Xperia Series up to the latest version of Android (besides 2.3.5 which was mainly for the Nexus S) it also brings a collection of new features:

  • Gtalk Video Calling
  • Facebook inside Xperia — deeper Facebook integration, like sharing apps
  • 3D Panorama Sweep photo mode — shows up as 3D on televisions according to the video embedded after the break
  • T9 Swipe Keyboard — not sure if it’s Swype, but it looks like it
  • USB On The Go (OTG) — allows you to plug peripherals into your device

Bring on October, I say! A video demonstrating each of the aforementioned features is embedded after the break; check it out.

Source: Sony Ericsson.
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trying to update my xperia arc to 2.3.4 but saying that it has the latest software… Lives in australia

Buzz Moody

I don’t think the updates have been pushed out yet. Knowing our carriers it won’t be until next month 🙁

Its Marck

My twin brother updated his Xperia Arc earlier this week. I’m just bummed that my Xperia Play doesn’t update. My friend’s Play doesn’t find an update as well…


how did he update his xperia arc?????


what exactly is that guy meant to be playing with the game controller?

Lincoln Mah

T9 is a competitor to Swype.


Nice, thanks Sony Ericsson! Glad that my Neo is always up to date 🙂


The SE Ray and HTC Evo 3D is coming to Vodafone soon boys any girls. Really looking forward to the Ray. Anroid phones are getting rediculously large these days.

Mallardious Monk

This looks like a pretty decent update!  More and more tempted to pick up a Neo come replacement time…


my xperia neo is not getting updated to 2.3.4 saying already up to date, currently running on 2.3.3 pls help,residing in india

Its Marck

I’m having the same problem with my Xperia PLAY. 🙁