Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays readers! Enjoy spending time with family, friends and various consumer electronics. If you’re going to knock a few back, please don’t get behind the wheel of a car — we don’t want any bad endings to what is a great day no matter your background.

If you received an Android-related Christmas present, we’d love to hear about it in the comments. This is the first time in 3 years I haven’t upgraded to a new Android phone at Christmas — maybe next year if I’m nice to everyone. Now get off the internet and eat yourselves silly!

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    I bought myself a Galaxy Nexus at Androidland for Christmas! Best gift I’ve ever got.


    I won a Toshiba thrive last month!
    I kept it a secret from my mum and she got it for Christmas, she’s very excited 🙂


    Merry Christmas ausdoids!! This is from my new eee pad transformer!!


    Merry Christmas guys!

    No android device but my HTC Desire Z will be helping me to remember this Christmas by taking photos, contacting friends and relatives via skype and preventing argument over which is the quickest way to the relo’s place for Christmas lunch. 🙂


    Woo first! Merry christmas. bought parents a Samsung Galaxy S2. Im sure they are not too old to use it!