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The iPad might be the tablet choice for Qantas and Jetstar, but for Virgin Australia it’s all about the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Virgin’s CEO, John Borghetti, told Australian Business Traveller “The Samsung tablet is being recognised as a better product than Apple. That’s not unusal, second-generation stuff usually is. In fact, it’s getting better reviews than the iPad 2.” Well said, Mr Borghetti, well said.

Virgin Australia are expected to use the Galaxy Tab 10.1 aboard their Boeing 737 and Embraer E-190 fleet starting in April — aimed more at Business class passengers and Economy passengers on flights over 3 hours in duration. The devices will come with a load of content for customers to peruse such as: movies, TV shows, books & magazines, with more to come once the Lufthansa BoardConnect wireless streaming system is installed.

If you’re a regular business traveller, we highly recommend checking out AusBT.

Source: AusBT (1)AusBT (2).
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Hey apple invented tablet on in flights. yeah law suit will follow.


Come on, everybody knows that the iPad is a superior device.

signed a rabid Apple fanbois, plus a very anti-Android, “Steve Jobs is a God” fan.



Apple will call defamation or something im sure

Ian Tester

Lawsuit from Apple in 3… 2… 1…



I like his thinking…! 🙂