The awesome team at Gizmodo Australia have come across a training document for Google’s upcoming Nexus 7 tablet which is to be manufactured by ASUS and announced at Google IO later this week. Before we even get into the specs, Giz reports that the Nexus 7 will launch here in Australia in July — a massive win for soon-to-be adopters of Google’s tablet hardware.

It will be the first tablet to run Jelly Bean

As for specs, the Nexus 7 is pretty mid-ranged; there’s not astounding about it, but it’s also not going to be left in the past already.

  • 7-inch 1280×800 IPS Display
  • Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (not confirmed to be 5.0 just yet)
  • 1.3GHz Quad-Core Tegra 3 CPU
  • 12-Core ULP NVIDIA GPU
  • 1GB RAM
  • 8GB / 16GB Internal Storage
  • 1.2MP Front Camera
  • 9 Hours Battery Life
  • Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, NFC

Pricing: The 8GB variant is expected to be $199; the 16GB variant will be $249.

Another awesome part of this report is that the documentation suggests that Google will be handling and providing all the updates for the device, which could mean that there won’t be carrier variants (if there’s even a 3G model) like there is with the Galaxy Nexus.

Source: Gizmodo Aus.
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Looks fake if you ask me! Look at the side profile – the way it almost identically matches the Galaxy Nexus phone with its curved-ish design and the 3 pin connector. I doubt ASUS would create a product which so closely resembled a product released by Samsung, for design reasons but also for COPPYRIGHT REASONS!


On Jellybean? Wow, guess it’s time my Tab 7.7 (Samsung, WTH is the ICS update???) gets a contemporary companion… And yes, I’m even prepared for the +50-100% (oh-no-our-market-is-too-small-so-we-have-got-to-charge-extra-because-we-are-too-lazy-to-compete) TAX.

G Stuckey

Even though I have waaaaaayyy too many tablets now, I think I will end up with one of these. I love the portability of 7″, still use an original galaxy tab running cm9 nightlies.


Looks great!

Mark Smith

I was all set to get one of these until Microsoft announced the Surface.
I’ve already got a Playbook though so I don’t really have any need for another 7 inch tablet

Okung Nyo

The Surface is vaporware that won’t come out for another six months AT THE SOONEST.

No release date, no specs, no price, nothing but a prototype.

It was just a failed attempt by Microsoft to preempt Google and desperately hold onto flocking users.


I definitely don’t agree with that. The RT version will come out when Windows 8 comes out which should be around October. All the hardware exists and has been seen in use. A rough indication of price has been given.

It’s definitely annoying that no specifics have been given but don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s vaporware. It’s definitely coming, soon.

Ian Tester

So you’re saying people should wait another three months to buy a new (unknown) tablet with a new (unknown) tablet UI and a new, probably nearly empty app market, versus a much cheaper tablet with the latest release of a mature phone/tablet OS, on the second (third?) release of its tablet UI, and a huge app market? Oh yeah, I’m sold…

Jamesz Zhang

hmmm very interesting spec looking forward to c this tablet in local jbhifi store might consider getting one since its really cheap


I hope it releases at that price because it seems quite cheap, even if its only 7″

Buzz Moody

Remember, by the time it gets here, the Australia Tax will be added.


So in other words, we’re looking at an 8Gb for $400AUD, and $500 for the 16Gb.

Disgruntled Tech

In other words, buy overseas or from an importer. Business as usual.


SD Support? Bluetooth support? It seems silly to have NFC and not these 2 basic things. I would assume it was just left off the leaked spec list..

Buzz Moody

Bluetooth will be there. Not sure was spec though; probably 4.

Ian Tester

Don’t hold out hope for a MicroSD slot – none of the Nexus phones have one. I don’t know why.


I understand the non SD support. Whilst id like it to be there im not holding my breath. Just thought Bluetooth was the more obvious omission.


Well the price is right


No SD/microSD.
No 3G
No sale.
*sigh* I was hoping this might have been a possible, viable, replacement for my Telstra T-Touch Tab. But without external storage and 3G data/phone capability, it is useless to me.

James Pettigrove

Why do you need 3G in your tablet? Ever heard of tethering or wifi hotspot with your phone? Works for me everytime no matter what device (laptop, tablet etc…)


3G tether would be OK for data only. I use the T-Touch to make/take phonecalls. AFAIK, you can’t do that on 3G tether.


you would take those calls on the phone you are tethered to

Okung Nyo

I’m sick of hearing about the SD bit. Google is all about the cloud and is never going to give you SD slots. Why would you need to anyway? Stream YouTube for videos, stream GPM for songs, GDrive for documents, G+ for photos.


Because of the takedowns earlier in the year, the ‘cloud’ can not ever be considered safe storage for your data.

Ian Tester

Not to mention coverage problems (even in cities, let alone out here in rural centres) and not wanting to pay just to access your own data.


A time will come in Australia when streaming will be a viable alternative to local media storage – it is already here for music, but we lack competitive video services. With the roll-out of the NBN, this will change as our sustained speeds come up to grade with the rest of the civilised world and more companies start offering unmetered data. One thing you don’t really have to worry about with a Nexus tab is the local storage though, because to be honest this thing is going to garner one hell of a dev community over on xda, and one… Read more »


No mention of external storage?


This is the price point android tablets need to be at to be taken seriously. Not many people will pay $500+ for an android tablet when you can get an ipad for only a bit more. Great work Asus and Google. Would love to get my hands on one of these bad boys!

Disgruntled Tech

They will pay 500 dollars or more when the ecosystem surpasses Apple, or Android suits there needs more than Apple


This looks great. I just wish they had a 10 inch tablet that could compete with the IPAD on resolution, build and price. I am getting so fed up with waiting for a competitive Android tablet that I will likely give up soon and just buy an IPAD.


-The ipad dpi/res isn’t that much higher than any of the big manufacturer tablets, I doubt you will notice a difference -The price of these tablets are already cheaper than the ipad3 -Build..?


This could be the beginning of something great – NO CARRIERS getting their grubby little hands on the software!! I await the day this happens.


Omg that is perfect. It doesn’t have to be super flash. It just has to run smoothly, have no lag and android. The rest is up to me


Awesome! I’m ready.