All delays aside, the Ice Cream Sandwich for the HTC Sensation on Telstra is now well and truly here. We’ve been contacted by multiple people (thank you!) who have confirmed the update has hit their devices this afternoon.

While the update won’t bring you Sense 4.0 like that seen on the HTC One X and One S, you will get an updated variant compared to Sense UI 3.5, and yes, it’s dubbed Sense UI 3.6. It includes visual and performance aspects of Sense UI 4.0, so don’t feel you’re being left too far behind — you are being left behind though.

Remember to have a charged battery and a stable internet connection before attempting the update. And as always, let us know how it goes in the comments.

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How do you get the update for HTC Sensation?

Nothing appears in the available updates.

There’s no information on the Telstra site about it

Or the HTC

Other than saying there is an update.


I downloaded the update, everything installed fine, no problems… Until I tried to open the messages application, I cannot send sms messages because it just gets stuck on the loading screen.

I read elsewhere the solution was to disallow the phone screen from turning off in the display settings, then leave it for an hour until it reloads all the messages. I don’t really see that as a solution, that is a huge waste of time and a great inconvenience, not impressed. I hate to think what other problems lie ahead.


No internet now through WiFi with static IP. Network works fine (router & other PCs can be seen). Internet works with Mobile Network. WTF Telstra?


Everything is fine so far – except every time I go back to the home screen from anywhere else on the phone I get the HTC logo and a ‘loading’ screen.


ics is a dud!

Declhan Lee

My HTC sensation xl on telstra still hasnt received the update, any ideas?

Tony Power

I got a message thismorning that the update to 4.0 was available but didn’t do it because I had to go to work and needed my phone. So this afternoon when I came home I did the “check for update” and it said “update available” i chose yes. My battery was at 100% it was plugged into the USB cable set to charge only. I went away to do other stuff and came back about 3 hours later to find the phone off. Thats strange I thought. The USB was still plugged in, but the light at the top to… Read more »


after getting the ‘update’ available tonight, getting the same issue as Tony.
Did you get any resolution for the issue from Telstra ?

Tony Power

Sorry for the late reply. I did get a response. Take it to a Telstra shop who sent it away and got a new phone a week later.


Been running smoothly since yesterday evening.
Updated OTA with zero hassles.

Like ICS on my Sensation. The trimmer HTC Sense is nice also.


Anyone know what their non yakju GNexes are on?


can’t find my music and photographs.. anyone else ahd that issue?

Tom Thorp

Update was seamless. Worth the wait.

Harry o

Went very well.. like the update! Any chance of getting jelly bean by mid August? ?? Doubt it….

Buzz Moody

2013 – yes.