We received a tip this afternoon that Dick Smith Electronics will sell the 32 GB Wifi and 3G models of Google’s Nexus 7 tablet, announced earlier this week.

While we don’t have confirmation of dates, we’re told the 32 GB Wifi model will be $319, while the 3G model will set you back $399.

These prices are a bit more expensive than we’d hoped, but it’s worth noting Dick Smith seems to sell the current 16 GB Nexus 7 for $269, “$50 off” a $319 RRP.

Are you interested in the 32 GB Wifi or 3G Nexus 7? Would you prefer to buy from a Dick Smith store over Google Play? Let us know in the comments!

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Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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Adam Bagnall

3G version is $299 from Google Play store I have seen it advertised everywhere for $299

Sonya Church

Good guys have it for $249.00 – Officeworks will match that -5% = $236.55


Hmm, shop prices are about $20 more than Play Store prices, but Play Store charges $20 for delivery, so it’s pretty much even.


I don’t care where I get it from, DSE, Officeworks, where ever, if the price is right. The price still isn’t right.

JB Hi-Fi are also doing the 16 GB Nexus 7 for $269.


Yup I’ll probably be purchasing the 32GB WiFi one from here! 🙂 Waited to get this tablet until they released the higher capacity version.

I’ll see if I can try and get them to throw in a case for free. 😛


I can’t recommend the Nexus 7 highly enough. I have the 16Gb version and the space limits / no 3G were my only concerns. 299$ for a 3G amazing tablet is fantastic

Jason Murray

The 3G version is $399.


Tempted to get the 3G version but not sure I can justify the extra $80 and another data plan for it when I could just tether to my phone.


Yep, I’ve been perfectly happy tethering.

Greg McPherson

… or whatever is left of Dick Smith.

The advantage of buying from a store is that you pay your money and you get your gadget and you go home with your gadget. No waiting.


I’d get a 16gb from Dick Smith or Officeworks for that price. You can get it straight away and any problems with the device and you can take it straight back to the store.


Whoa it appears I completely misunderstood the recent news. I thought ALL 32GB versions were 3G…I didn’t realize that there’s a WiFi and a 3G version. Here I was thinking Google was selling the ‘3G’ one for 300 on their play store :(.

Jason Murray

Google’s Play Store only shows the Wifi 32 GB model for Australian purchases at the moment.