Exynos 5
At a second press announcement overnight at CES, Samsung has announced a new 8-core CPU the Exynos 5 Octa, a CPU which uses ARMs big.LITTLE processing technology.

big.LITTLE processing offers better power efficiency to extend battery life by what ARM claims is up to 70%, they also claim this gives better performance. To do this the new SOC uses two different CPUs in clusters, four A15 Cores and four A7 cores with applications able to offload the lower end tasks to the A7 cores while saving the A15 cores for the heavier workloads when required.

Samsung claims that the new Exynos 5 Octa will produce twice the 3D performance of even their Exynos 4 Quad CPU. With Samsung announcing the new CPU now, could this possibly be what will be powering the Galaxy S IV when it’s announced in a few months?

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So Nvidia does Tegra with 4+1 and Samsung does this new Exynos with 4 + 4 and they call it octo-core? I don’t remember Nvidia calling their Tegra 3 a penta-core processor. Pretty arrogant by Samsung. Are we supposed to be impressed with this ‘octo-core’ nomenclature? Worst part is that, Samsung won’t release the source code for the processor (they never do) which means it’ll be an absolute bitch for developers to build roms for. Anyone who’s used a Samsung product knows how buggy AOSP/AOKP roms are for it. Yeah, **** you Samsung. I, along with many other developers are… Read more »

Nick Bellios

“Octo” is eight in Greek 😉 I to will be trying out the Xperia Z and leaving my S3 4G behind.

Ian Tester

There is the possibility of using all of the cores in a big.LITTLE processor, not just running them as four virtual cores. AFAIK, you can’t do that with the Tegra 3/4.


Hope it will make it way to the next Galaxy S phone

Sean Royce

I’m quite sure they wouldn’t leave that out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the S IV was half way through development and getting ready for manufacturing.