Google Developers
According to a Google Groups update by Jean-Baptiste Queru, Tech Lead for the Android Open Source Project(AOSP), Google is releasing Android 4.2.2 into AOSP right now. The JDQ39 build that has been pushing out to Nexus devices OTA for the last couple of weeks is now being merged with the existing source.

Matching binaries are being made available as well. The good news is that all the matching proprietary binaries – basically proprietary drivers for the devices, which aren’t included in AOSP – are being made available for all variants of the Nexus 7 as well as the Nexus 4 which was previously not fully supported and as JBQ says in his post ‘This is the first time that any device has all its binaries available for AOSP’.

You can check out the binaries on the Nexus Drivers page or the full factory images for your Nexus devices on the Nexus Factory Images page. Good news all round for AOSP ROM developers who can now have access to full source and binaries.

Source: Google Groups.
Via: AndroidCentral.
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Michael Barrett

Nexus 7 16GB WiFi in the Computer Shop I work at got the 4.2.2 Update on Friday (1/3/2013)