In an update posted today on the Android Developers Blog, Google has announced that it will be even easier from today to show off tablet-optimised apps to users and easier for developers to understand what steps they can take to make a great tablet application.
Developers will be able to upload screenshots of their applications running on 7-inch and 10-inch tablets to the Google Play Developer Console, and those screenshots will be shown in preference to other sizes to users on (or with) those devices, so they can better understand how an app might look on their device.
Google has also reiterated its October posting on the tablet app quality checklist, in which Google sets out best practices for creating tablet applications. This checklist has been updated with tips and guidelines, as well as more detail on how developers can do checks to make sure tablet-optimised apps will work their best.
Good news for developers being able to show off their wares in the best format possible.