
Lately we have seen a few people from both Motorola and Google hint at devices from Motorola being a cutting edge device.  Today during Google’s earnings call CEO Larry Page made a statement regarding the rumoured upcoming Motorola device(s).

“Think about your device. Battery life is a challenge for most people. You shouldn’t need to carry around a charger to make it through the day. If your kid spills their drink on your tablet, the screen shouldn’t die. And when you drop your phone, it shouldn’t shatter.

“Having just seen Motorola’s upcoming products myself, I’m real excited about the potential there. In just under a year, they have accomplished a lot, and have impressive velocity and execution.”

The first part of the statement is not a surprise as for the last 12-18 months Motorola have led the field when it comes to battery life with the RAZR M and RAZR MAXX.  Does this mean that Motorola have a new battery material or just a bigger battery?  Either way it makes for an exciting prospect.  We all want more battery life from our phones and many of us struggle to get through a full day of medium to heavy usage.

Personally I want a full day from heavy usage.  Pie in the sky type of statement maybe but hopefully this is what the manufacturers are aiming for.

From what I have been told the Motorola RAZR M is a very durable phone, as tested by a friend who has dropped every single phone he has owned.  So the comment regarding the near unbreakable phone does not come as a shock.  The Motorola X Phone has already been rumoured to come with a glass made of a sapphire composite which is said to be indestructible (something I am sure my kids will test out) so maybe this rumour is true.  How many here have cracked the screens on their phones?  How many here are sick of babying their phones so that they don’t break the fragile screen (or back if your phone is covered by a layer of glass ala Nexus 4)?

In other news Google reported a revenue income of $14b with a profit of $3.35b. A tick over $1b of this revenue came from Motorola Mobility.  Make of this what you will.  Main thing is Google is still making a decent profit and during the earnings call didn’t do anything to signal that they were going to slow down with any of their “shoot for the moon” projects.  Google Glass and Google Fibre were both mentioned as was the new head of Android, Sundar Pichai, saying he “loves a big bet” which hopefully means many new and exciting things to be introduced to Android in the future.


What would you like to see come to Android?  A microwave running Android? Dishwasher?

What are your priorities for a new phone?  Battery life?  Indestructible screen?  Better front-facing camera for high resolution duckface selfies?

Source: TechCrunch.
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I cracked the screen on my Galnex 3 or 4 months ago and can’t be stuffed paying the money to get a new screen. I was almost ready to buy a HTC One after the ‘rumours’ that the Motorola X phone will be delayed until later in the year but reading what was said about said device(s) I think I’ll wait. It’s clear that they think it is going to be groundbreaking.


The more I read about this, the more I like the sound of it. Can’t wait for more information.

Andrew Palozzo

I’m usually not a fan of these “rugged” devices.. they’re normally bulky and sacrifice a bit for that toughness…

But lets see, if they can pull of something outside of a giant battery / case for their devices.

Jesse Kinross-Smith

Unfortunately all the rumours have been saying that we won’t be getting whatever they produce in Australia. At least not in the short term. Which sucks.


I’m holding off upgrading to the Xperia Z to see what the X phone brings.

Sean Royce

Good luck to them, and if any of this proves true, maybe Motorola will be my next phone.