Instant Upload

After taking a few videos of my kids tonight I went into the gallery app and was greeted with a new folder called ‘Auto Backup’. This folder appears to have replaced the ‘Instant Upload’ folder, and given the photo announcements from the Google I/O Keynote I wouldn’t be surprised if this is related to those.

I know this is a bit of a trivial thing, but I for one like the rename. I have noticed that in the Google+ app it is still referred to as ‘Instant Upload’, but I am guessing that this will be renamed to Auto Backup in a future update.

I was also one of those users that had issues with my gallery showing multiple ‘Instant Upload’ folders and this seems to have been corrected as well, but I don’t go into the gallery too often so this could be completely unrelated.

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    I noticed this too.

    Another cool thing – when you share pictures in Hangouts, they get saved in an album.

    Speaking of the Gallery app I wonder if they will update it this year some time.