ZTE, somewhat best known for their Telstra Android (and non Android) mobile devices, is apparently looking at launching their very first own mobile chip according to a report from a Korean news site ETNEWS.

ZTE is looking to enter a pretty established market with heavyweights such as Qualcomm, Nvidia, Samsung and even Huawei already in the designer mobile CPU market.

According to ET NEWS, ZTE has been secretly planning on launching their own mobile chip, which they’ve been working on, at a launch at the PT/Expo Comm China 2013 Expo, which takes place in late September.

While at this stage, no details about the chip have been confirmed or provided officially, it’s been “confirmed” that it will be able to access 4G LTE networks. Forgive us if we wait for some more information on their SOC before popping the champagne bottles.

Are ZTE doing the right thing launching their own mobile chip with an already established mobile CPU industry in place?

Source: Android Beat.
Via: ET NEWS Korea.