Ok, while not Android related, it’s Google Maps and Dr Who, so I couldn’t resist. You’re checking out Earl’s Court Road in London and happen across the a Police Call box, pretty exciting for the average Dr Who fan, but what makes this one even more special is that the internals of this particular Police Call Box has been added to Google Maps via Street View.

While mapping the internal structure of the TARDIS may push the mapping technology of even Google, it’s a fun way to have a close up look – hint use the arrows on your keyboard to navigate – at the TARDIS or at least at the control room as it looks like the hallways are yet to be mapped.


You can jump on into Google Maps to check out the Police Call Box and click on the double arrow to actually enter the TARDIS or take a shortcut directly into the heart of the old girl.

How cool is that?

Source: TechCrunch.
Via: Hexus.
Thanks: Paul.
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    argh! Last year was stuck at Earl’s Court Station while changing trains for about half an hour – if only I’d known what was just outside the entrance.

    Well next time I’m on the other side of the world,… :-/

    James Finnigan

    This was the very first thing I went to see last year when I was in London. It’s as excellent as you’d expect.


    Bah, they left the studio working lights on – you can see them through the ceiling.


    Must have been a tight squeeze to get the Street View trolley through the front door of the TARDIS. Plenty of room once inside though.