
I use PayPal for as much as I can these days. It is just a simple way to pay for things online. Today we are being treated to a nice new update of their Android app.

The new design uses a slide out drawer as per modern Android design language and I must say it looks great. There is also a new focus on purchasing items at physical stores in your area and I really like this new feature.

You can even see all of the business offering PayPal as a payment option on a map and can search for business with offers, those that give you the ability to pay by phone and those that allow you to order online.

There is one thing that really bugs me about this app though, and that is tablet support. It works on a tablet, but it forces you to use the app in portrait mode and uses the same phone UI. If you are going to take the time to redesign your app, the least you could do is through in some proper tablet support.

PayPal - Send, Shop, Manage
PayPal - Send, Shop, Manage
Source: Android Central.