
Some of us who opened Google’s Play Movies & TV this afternoon on our devices were surprised to find a free short film on offer, or automatically added to our collections.

Two items appear to be on offer – Pixar’s fantastic short La Luna (which screened in front of Brave in cinemas), and Shaun the Sheep – The Big Chase.

We can’t see a pattern to who gets which film – several members of the Ausdroid team have both a 2013 Nexus 7 and a Nexus 5, but the offer appears to be inconsistent even amongst that group and we’ve even seen Shaun the Sheep offered to users who just installed the app on a Galaxy S III.

Some users aren’t seeing the offer at all (sorry guys!), while some have seen an item offered with the option to add it to their library, and others have simply seen it turn up in their library.

Neither item seems to be officially available to Australian customers to purchase or rent at the moment, and there’s been no announcement from Google Australia about the offer, making this even more curious.

If you have Play Movies & TV on your device (or, even if you don’t yet) you should probably open the app up and see if Google’s got some free goodies for you! Check the Watch Now area for a screen like the ones seen below:


Did you get a free short film from Google? Do you know what the pattern is? Let us know in the comments!

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    Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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    Phill Edwards

    I got Shaun the Sheep. Brand new LG G2.

    Paul Walker

    Nothing for me on my 2013 LTE N7 or my S3 🙁

    Paul Walker

    Nothing for me on my 2013 LTE N7 or my S3 🙁

    Dogs au

    I got Shaun, htc One.


    Got Shaun the sheep on my HP Slatebook x2 but nothing on the Nexus 7 2012 model. Pretty happy with Shaun the sheep pick!


    I recieved La Luna 2 weeks ago when I bought my N7. I was excited to see a freebie but think i would rather the Sheep movie!! 🙂

    Benjamen Meiers

    I got La Luna (Nexus 5)


    I’ve never used Google Movie before, but thought I’d try streaming it to me new Chromecast last night and noticed La Luna was there then… I didn’t realise it was a scoop or I would have told my favourite Android Website! Sorry Ausdroid!


    Got La Luna on my N5


    Xperia S, got Shaun the Sheep here. Only previous experiance with the movie app is free transformers with my Nexus 7

    Dennis Bareis

    I have “Play Movies” installed not “Play Movies & TV”, is there something wrong and my phone hasn’t upgraded?


    i think it just renames depending on the device language settings.

    the tv part isnt available in australia yet.


    Checked my 2012 n7 and had nothing. Checked the n5 and had La Luna waiting to be added to my Library. Cool, love freebies!

    Damon Lewis

    I got La Luna on my Nexus 5 and Shaun the Sheep on my Nexus 10.


    Same here, La Luna on the Nexus 5 and Shaun the Sheep on the Nexus 10


    I got Shaun the Sheep added to My Library on my Nexus 7 last Sunday


    I only have Google Play Movies on my Aldi tablet running JB 4.1.2
    ‘Shaun the Sheep’ was there waiting for me to add it to my library. Was hoping for ‘La Luna’
    Oh well. Not going to knock back a freebie.


    Nothing showing for me, Galaxy S3. Have never used or purchased anything from Play Movies & TV before.


    I just got Shaun The Sheep, only have LG G

    Aaron De Vries

    I just got La Luna, only have the Nexus 5


    I appear to have both…


    Yeah I also have both. I got Shaun the Sheep about a month ago.. I was sitting there at my dads place showing him his new Chromecast by playing Transformers (Nexus 7 2012). Then a few weeks ago I got La Luna.. can’t remember if I did anything. I recently hired Searching for Sugar Man (30 days ago..).


    Yep, I got Luna a while ago, didn’t really think anything of it. Shaun came through today. Have Nexus 7 2013 and SGS3 running CM10. Never bought / hired from Play Movies.


    The interesting thing about both movies is that we can’t (or I can’t) see them in the Play Store. I wanted to rate them both but they’re just not there.


    Same here.