
Android 4.4 (KitKat) is just on a month old, and already it seems that Google is readying an update. There’s wide speculation on what the update could be fixing, but rumoured inclusions are a camera fix for the Nexus 5, which has rather slow focus acquisition and image capture, and addressing performance issues on 2012’s Nexus 10 tablet with its translucent backgrounds for the status and navigation bars.

From what we have seen, the new version is currently running on Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Nexus 10 devices. Android 4.4.1, sporting the build version KOT49E, has been spotted in analytics across the web, including here at Ausdroid, showing that Google is very much in the final stages of testing the new version. It appears that the hits are coming from Google-owned Australian IP addresses. A big hello to any Googlers reading this — please note, we take anonymous tips!

Analytics showing 4.4.1 devices
Analytics showing 4.4.1 devices

If Google stays true to form, we’ll see this update hit the Nexus range fairly soon — it’s not like Google to let these sort of analytics leak out too far in advance of a public release.

What else this point release might bring we have no idea, but there is some speculation it might bring some treats from the Nexus 5 to other Nexus devices, such as the Google Experience Launcher, Google Now integration, and changes to the app drawer.

Source: Various.
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    Josh Michielsen

    This is not an “exclusive”, sorry. The fact that they are coming from Australian IPs is kinda cool though. I don’t expect much from 4.4.1, some bug fixes and hopefully a small N5 camera focus fix.


    I hope they add some improvements for the N5 screen calibration and battery life improvements. Hopefully get rid of the Google Play Services that kill the battery.


    Good work Ausdroid.

    I personally hope we see the much rumoured camera upgrade for the N5 and official support for the GEL on other Nexus devices, oh and an audio improvement for the N5’s external speaker. This would be a lot for a such a minor release but one can hope!

    Amos S

    I’d love to see an option for louder audio on earphones. I thought it’s just me but I heard complaints from other users as well.


    Lots to clean up in 4.4. I’ve found it a very mixed bag of big changes that didn’t quite get there.
    The whole heavy integration with G+ definitely hasn’t been completely worked out and cleaned up.
    Things like sending SMS’s or even picking a Contact for a phone call have been make more functional, but less clear cut. For the first time, I’d almost point an novice user at 4.3 rather than 4.4.


    You know I had to call 000 for myself a few weeks ago. I was in a panic and not thinking right. The first thing I did was open the dialler app and type 000 and hit call. As I did this the dialler did a G+ profile search for profiles starting with 000 and proceeded to make a call to the first profile. Something like 000BarrackObama or something stupid. I then hung up thinking omgwtfneedambulance! and dialled it again and did the same thing again! Then I remembered to bring up the dial pad itself and call 000. I… Read more »

    Amos S

    They could be thinking that the while world dials 911 for emergnecy. You should consider reporting this to them since it could cost lives.


    I’d be very surprised if this didn’t include GEL for the other Nexus devices. I’ve had it running on my old N4 and it’s pretty much flawless.
    In the spirit of feedback for the team at Ausdroid, I personally love articles like this! Keep up the good work!