Google Play has introduced new features for game developers to better categorise their games for users to download, in an update to the Play Store which is available now for developers, and will be available for users in February 2014.

Presently, users of the Play Store viewing the Games category will see eight sub-categories, two of which are not even games (live wallpapers and widgets). Developers are from today being given up to seventeen different sub-categories to choose from for their game listings, which should become visible to users in the next two months.

The new categories are: action, adventure, arcade, music, role playing. simulation, strategy, puzzle, card, casino, casual, board, family, trivia, word, racing, and sports.

It seems that this is a move by Google to improve Android’s gaming cred, by making games easier to sort and filter through when users are next looking for something to pass the time with. Whether this is a sign of a possible Google-sanctioned gaming device based on Android is entirely a matter of speculation, but we certainly welcome a cleaner category structure at the very least.

Source: Google Play Support.
Via: Droid Life.
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    Now if only more games supported the “Cloud Saving” to sync progress between devices… i’d much rather that than a bunch of achievements