Galaxy Camera 2 banner
Samsung has overnight released a successor to the Galaxy Camera, their Android based camera released back in 2012. The Galaxy Camera 2 is set to be shown off at CES in Las Vegas next week, but Samsung has jumped ahead of the pack, announcing the device with specs and photos to get some press time ahead of the massive consumer electronics show, which is sure to swamp everyones feed over the next week or so.

The Galaxy Camera 2 has seen a few improvements on the original model, but if you’re looking for improved sensor or zoom, then you’re looking in the wrong place. The Galaxy Camera 2 sports the same 16MP sensor from the original, as well as the same 21x Optical Zoom, the camera even seems to have the same 4.8″ LCD screen from the previous model. But, that’s not to say that it’s not improved, Samsung has worked hard to get the Galaxy Camera 2 down in weight – it’s now 283 grams as opposed to the ‘hefty’ 305 grams of the original – they’ve also increased the capacity of the original Galaxy Camera from 1,650mAh up to 2,000mAh and above all it’s now increased the clock on the Quad-Core processor from 1.4GHz to 1.6GHz.

The features on the Galaxy Camera 2 have also been improved with a new ‘Smart Mode Selfie Alarm’ which will help to capture your best ‘Selfie’ by taking five consecutive shots and then letting you choose your best one. Video mode also sees the introduction of ‘Multi Motion Video’ which will allow for Slow or Fast Motion video by allowing ‘users to set the speed of capture and create speed up or slowed down movies’.

The Galaxy Camera 2 also introduces NFC to help with pairing of the camera to NFC enabled phones, with Galaxy branded phones, Photo Beam and Mobile Link offering options to send just one or a selection of photos from the camera. If sharing is an issue, the Galaxy Camera 2 comes pre-loaded with Dropbox, which includes a 50GB bonus upgrade valid for two years.

From the shots released, it appears that the Galaxy Camera 2 will come in two colours – White and Black – but no official announcement on availability or pricing has been made beyond advising that the Camera will be on show at CES in Las Vegas next week. We’ve approached Samsung Australia to see if they have any comment on this and we’ll update as soon as they do.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow.
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Hmm. I think it’ll be too expensive. Even though I like the idea still of a normal camera being ran on Android.

I wonder if they could make an SLR that runs Android?


Been done already, BurnZ.
Samsung Galaxy NX
Nikon Coolpix S800c


One point about the SGC2 that’s attracted comment elseweb, is that there has been no mention of the SGC2 having a SIM socket, or 3G capability.