The Galaxy S5 and the companion wearable – Gear line of products is popular, very much so, and with over a month between announcement and launch of the products, Samsung is doing their level best to keep them in the forefront of the public’s eye and has released a couple of fairly comprehensive ‘Official hands-on’ videos for both the phone and the Gear 2 and Gear Fit (why no love for the Neo?).

The Galaxy S5 really runs through everything and if you’re planning on picking up one of these bad boys when they launch at some stage in April, this is most likely required viewing.

Though the Galaxy S5 falls into the category of ‘must buy’ for a number of people, the Gear 2 and Gear Fit, like most wearables still require a bit of a sell to a large group of people who haven’t quite seen the need for a second screen device to keep on their person. With this video, Samsung is hoping to answer a lot of what the Gear 2 and Gear Fit can add to your life.

We’ve seen leaked pricing for the Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit, but will most likely be waiting just a little bit longer for pricing on the Galaxy S5, most likely till after the March 26th Official Australian launch of their product line.

We hope to bring you our own hands-on thoughts soon after the launch, but until then, see what you think of the official hands-on.

Source: Samsung Mobile.
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geoff fieldew

I’ve been critical of the feature creep and the tired interface design of the last couple of years of Galaxy S phones. It does seem however that Samsung are listening and making some changes. While I still dislike the same old Home Screen Dock design, it seems other parts of the interface are becoming flatter and less cluttered. The settings menus and drop down notification areas look cleaner and easier to use. Samsung are also not focusing on less useful stuff like turning a page with a wave of your hand. For example, the health features are useful tools that… Read more »