With about 90 minutes still left on the countdown clock on the OnePlus landing page the announcement of one of the most hyped phones in a long long time was presented to the world. And barely a ripple was caused. The hype surrounding this phone was built up over the past few months saying that they had managed to put a 5.5″ screen into a 5″ body, it would fit underneath a Sony Xperia Z1, it would sport the best specs available, and it would be a stunningly beautiful device.
The countdown on the landing pages seems to have been pointing at the OnePlus One page going live itself. Much confusion. When the countdown did finish on the web page was stuck on a 10 day countdown. At the time of this writing it was still stuck there.

So what did we find out about the OnePlus One? Most we knew already but now much of it has been put together, like a jigsaw puzzle being completed. Some of the following is rehashed from my post from this morning but here goes:

  • OnePlus focussed on an elegant design, beautiful contours
  • They wanted metal borders but due to signal and weight issues had to go without (remember Iphone4 attennagate?)
  • Available in Two colours and Textures- Sandstone Black and Silk White
  • Back cover finish is made of cashew!
  • Personalised textures available for the back cover (bamboo, denim, kevlar, wood)
  • Dimensions are 152.9×75.9×8.9mm with it being only 4.6mm thick at the edges
  • Weight is 162gm
  • The leaked images were real (I was wrong)
  • Bottom facing stereo speakers made by and fine-tuned by JBL
  • 13MPx IMX214 Sensor with 6 lenses and f/2/0 aperture and dual LED flash
  • 5.5in 1080p LCD display with Gorilla Glass 3
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 (MSM8974AC)
  • 16GB or 64GB eMMC 5.0 variants
  • GSM and LTE (compatible with Australian frequencies)
  • 3100mAh non-removable battery
  • Tri-microphone with noise cancellation
  • Multicoloured LED notification light – RGB
  • Bluetooth 4.1
  • Wifi – 2.4G/5G 802.11 a/b/g/n
  • No, repeat NO Qi charging
  • CyanogenMod 11S based on Android 4.4
  • CyanogenMod will have a “newly designed minimal flat UI”
  • NFC
  • $299US 16gb
  • $349US 64gb
  • Available starting Q2 although Android Police have posted it will be available mid-May

“By paying attention to the smallest details, taking a holistic approach to product design, and working with the best partners such as Cyanogen Inc. and Qualcomm Technologies, we have been able to create the greatest day to day user experience in a smartphone without compromise,” said Pete Lau, CEO of OnePlus. Pretty much what you would expect him to say to be honest. In my opinion it is a very good looking device but it is also a big device. It is certainly in the phablet territory, being bigger in some dimensions than the Samsung Note 2 and 3.

Steve Kondik, aka Cyanogen, also had this to say “I am incredibly proud of the effort our team has put in to the CyanogenMod build for the OnePlus One. We’ve brought out the full potential of the hardware and complemented it with innovative new features to give users a fresh new experience and the tools to tailor the One to their personal style,” said Kondik. “We will continue to expand this effort to provide a genuinely enjoyable and powerful operating system for the user.” This is something I alluded to this morning. The device has software optimised to the hardware resulting in a user experience hopefully second to none.

Interestingly, in China the phone will be released with ColorOS, Oppo’s proprietary firmware which in my opinion is disgraceful. This lends weight to the theory that OnePlus is NOT a separate company from Oppo and is actually owned by the same people.

They have also posted a video to YouTube that shows the design process.

The rest was just the usual marketing fluff. I just summarised it into the points listed above. How do I feel about the phone? There is no point telling you all about a device without adding my interpretation to it. When OnePlus said they were going to put a 5.5inch screen into the body of a 5inch screen phone I was surprised. Surely that wasn’t possible. Turns out it wasn’t. Not sure what 5inch screen they were thinking about, probably the Sony Xperia Z1 but the OnePlus One has dimensions bigger than the Note 3 which has a bigger screen. I admit I am a little disappointed regarding the size of the phone. I am not sure I could handle using a phone that big every day. Will it stop me getting one? Probably not. I want to try out the new CyanogenMod. I want to try this top of the line hardware on software designed for it. I am definitely not disappointed regarding the hardware, the camera, nor the software.

But how will I get one? By invite? I have heard that OnePlus deeply regret the invite system and the issues it has caused. It is likely to be scrapped within two days and this is when ordering will commence. Sanity has prevailed. The invite system still may have worked but not without giving a lot more information on how the invites were going to work. Maybe next time they should just say that they would be sending out 10,000 invites to the first 10,000 members of their forums and then each person who takes them up on the invite will have two more invites to give out and so on.

So there you have it. Those who have used a Note and didn’t mind the size will not have an issue with the OnePlus One. Now to work out how to get one in Australia.

Are you impressed with the OnePlus One? Did it live up to the hype for you? Will you be buying one?

Source: OnePlus Twitter.
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The phone looks nice. I like the pricetag. I wont be able to buy one for at least 6 months, if at all.
A fair chance the price will be ruined by only being available on Mobicity for twice the price.


If I get an invite to buy the phone I will be selling for $50


At a third of the price of my Note3 wow colour me impressed. Although I think I would have to go for the 64gb version seeing as there’s no microSD. If I really needed a phone sure I’d get purchase this. Kinda makes you wonder though how they can make it so cheap or even how much other companies are over pricing.


it shows how much other companies overprice their phones. Most chinese companies that sell within china sell for this price- Meizu, Xiamio (?sp). It’s just the samsungs, HTCs etc of the world that think they have to charge ridiculous prices to make us think the device is top quality.


kinda disappoint with the size, may be i was expecting too much.

anyway, for that price and bamboo back cover, i’m selling my nexus 5


Personally, I like the 5.5″.


never used a phone that big for any extended amount of time. I am disappointed with the size as well, but at that price I’m going to give it a shot. IF i dont like it I’m sure i can sell it on ebay or give to my parents.

Allan O'Rourke

So much NFC I can’t even!

(In case you can’t detect my sarcasm… that feature is listed twice in the specs… Whoops!)


Oops. thanks mate. fixed one other thing that was bothering me too.


Looks the same as a nexus 5, I will stick with the 5 thanks. Some nice specs but really am not going to notice them but I will notice the firmware updates and most of all wireless charging which I have grown to love.


yeah. the lack of wireless charging is a big one for me too…so used to it (plus i do have about 7 of them all over the place- work, home, car etc


Capacitive buttons…eugh… I can’t believe a new company has come to market with them!


The OnePlus One can also be used with onscreen buttons. I believe it’s an option in the settings.


yes. they can be turned on or off. I personally hate them tbh.


That wouldn’t be at all confusing. Not for me I don’t think. Does it have AC wife?


I’m assuming you mean AC Wifi? I don’t think so… but i only saw that on the OnePlus forums, not in any official document.


turns out it does have ac wifi mate:


No microSD is the dealbreaker for me.
Definite no sale now.

Sean Royce

Once again with the negative comments. When will you ever stop?


Why is that point not valid though? I also don’t like any android with lack of external support. I save everything on to my 64gb card.


Sean, Scott had asked, “Will you be buying one?”
I answered that specific question, giving my reason as to why I would not be buying one. So how is answering that question accurately, also negative?


The 64GB is better than an SD Card.
No messing with volumes.


64gb is great. I’m doing fine with 32gb at the moment.


Thanks for putting this information together Scott. Really enjoy following android news with you guys with local flavor.
Im gonna be in NY early May and will try to get one there if it’s out by then 🙂


YW mate.


Just in time for tonight’s podcast discussion! 😀

Sean Hatton

It was a strange experience this afternoon. The website crashed so only twitter was working. They stated the countries it was selling in which excluded Australia and major Asian, South Asian and South American markets but still proclaimed “Never settle!” The “launch” was just for the price, marketing and come back in two days to if you can get one of 100 first release phones! No firm date of broader release. I just subscribed (again) to “Smash the past” which crashed. They tweeted that they thought it was so cool that their launch was so successful the servers crashed –… Read more »


yeah. i feel a bit hollow too mate. Maybe we expected too much. In the end compromises need to be made- no Qi is disappointing and a phone bigger than a Z1 is disappointing. Funny how early on in the campaign they posted a picture of a Z1 saying that the OnePlus One was hiding underneath…
but the OnePlus One is longer and wider than a Z1… not sure how they reconcile that…


You can actually see a bit of the side sticking out on the left and they’ve cropped out the bottom of the photo where the OnePlus would’ve been sticking out of. So they were just being shifty but not entirely lying.


I’m sure my mum always said a white lie is still a lie.


Even significantly larger than the Xperia Z2’s 146.8 x 73.3 x 8.2mm -granted Z2 has a smaller 5.2″ screen… But that price (USD349 for 64GB!?!) more than reconciles everything!


yeah- is it just me or does the price make the device seem smaller? 😀

swaggy p

Will there be wireless charging

Benjamen Meiers

I think not. Considering it doesn’t have wireless charging, and replaceable backs with Qi coils built in won’t work very well.


no Qi charging. NFC yes.


Ausdroid linking to gizchina! hahahaaha love it

Joel Wilson

When you find a way to get one in Australia, please let me know?


Will do mate- follow me on google+