Vodafone The Vault
Update: As of this morning, we have unfortunately filled all 50 positions we’re allowed in the Ausdroid Vault crew.

Last night, Samsung and Vodafone announced a nationwide social competition known as The Vault with a grand prize of 50 – yep, fiftyGalaxy S5 phones. Participants can form crews of up to 50 people and pool their talents, wits and resources in order to win the phones.

There’s a weekly combination you’ll need to discover from clues given out daily by Vodafone and Samsung, and a weekly challenge will involve shooting particular photos or videos for additional clues to the combination and prizes. Clues might be puzzles, riddles or even crosswords. Crews must crack the weekly combination to proceed to the Grand Final on Sunday July 6.

Participants can also take advantage of an offer to receive a Gear Fit and a 12-month subscription to Samsung Music Hub free if they take up a Galaxy S5 on a 12- or 24-month contract with Vodafone.

The competition opens on Monday – that’s when the first combination will be available to crack online. There’s also a handy video to explain it all!

Let’s do it!

Think you’ve got what it takes? Awesome – we do, too!

We know from chatting with Vodafone staff last night that geographical spread will be advantageous to cracking the combinations, so that’s where you come in, readers! We want to form a team that includes people in every state, every capital city (and some minor ones too) who have local knowledge and are willing to go out and participate in the challenges.

If we win, you’re getting a Galaxy S5. For free. What have you got to lose?

Ausdroid’s crew is open for signups! We’ll form a Google+ community and coordinate team communication and combination results there.

When you click the link, you’ll go to The Vault website. Sign up there for an account and then you’ll be able to join Ausdroid’s crew.

We’ll get the crew and community up and running over the next few days.

Whether you join our crew or not, good luck to everyone who’s entering! We’ll be following The Vault as the competition – and our crew – progresses!

Source: The Vault.
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Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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Should we have a Google+ hangout thingy to coordinate this thing? At the moment, I’m just trying out combinations at random…


We just need a G+ group to put down all the things we’ve tried.


Use the image with the pie chart.
I think the key word is ‘speed’

Currently at uni 🙁 so no tries at the moment

Shea Quinn

Not acceping new crew members D:

Kim Nguyen

Is Ausdroid accepting any new crew members

Kim Nguyen

Current crew is only 47 members


it’s saying “You have been invited to join this crew” but i click on accept its telling me “This crew is not accepting new members”

Geoffrey D'Unienville

yeah like most got the not accepting members quote


tried to join, not accepting? =(


So when are you going to let us in @disqus_RUizvQZQq0:disqus ?


I believe Jason will start going through the requests tomorrow morning. He was out tonight at a Samsung event (unrelated to this one).


Still hoping to join @disqus_RUizvQZQq0:disqus – I see there appear to be a few slots still open.


Not accepting ?

Jarrad Minchin

tried to join, not accepting?


I’m in!


Count me in!

Oliver van Wageningen

I’m in.

Sam Turner

This sounds awesome! If we stay organised we could be a powerful force.
I’m in.


Requested to join! 🙂


Requested! 🙂


Request sent! Good luck team!


Best of luck to the Ausdroid Crew!
I’m looking forwards to reading about the Ausdroid Crew coming out on top in this challenge series.

Jason Murray

Not gonna join? I was hoping to rely on your attention to detail Jeni 🙂


Not interested at all in considering thinking about going back to VF, Jason.
Added to that, with my lousy mobility, I’d be useless at trying to do any of the Bris local geog stuff.

Michael Hadianto

Request send


Slick, I’m in.


i sent a request to join the crew!

Ben Booth

I’m in.


Count me in!

Lachie Outhred



IN! Lets do this!!