OnePlus One 64GB Mobicity
The OnePlus One has generated hype like nothing we’ve seen before, people have madly been searching and requesting invites to purchase the phone since OnePlus began rolling them out a couple of weeks ago. But, if you don’t want to wait, then pre-ordering the OnePlus One from Mobicity may be the best way to go.

While they don’t have an ETA for the arrival of stock, they are accepting pre-orders. You can secure your place in the queue to get your OnePlus One 64GB in Black for $529.95 + Shipping. There is a free shopping option at the moment though (Australia only, no PO Boxes), so you can save a bit of money there.

Free shipping is definitely something to consider. If you were to order from one of the countries that OnePlus has launched in, you will of course need an invite to purchase first and foremost – something that seems to be notoriously difficult to arrange at the moment. You will also need to arrange for the phone to be shipped to an address in the country you purchase it in, then arrange to have it shipped to Australia, a time-consuming process that can add a little extra cost.

The 64GB OnePlus from Mobicity will support Australian 3G as well as LTE networks.

  • GSM 850,900,1800,1900
  • 3G 850,900,1700,1900,2100
  • 4G/LTE 1700,1800,2100,2600

The OnePlus One is a pretty decent phone, we’ve currently got one on the Ausdroid test bench, but Scott has laid out his initial thoughts on the phone which you can read here. If you want to grab a OnePlus One from Mobicity, head across to their website and place your order, we’ll be following up for a more solid ETA on Monday.

Source: Mobicity.
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Hugo Brown

Wow what expensive considering on the website both models are less than that, no wonder people just go ahead an purchase overseas. and hardly cost you $200 to send back. And Australian Consumers are guarantee warranty if companies sell products be it company sources from somewhere else. That is there liability. Anyway I won’t be buying one at 530AUD thats a rip. I will either wait or maybe get FIND 7 that looks interesting device.. Everyone talking about the LG G3 or new nexus but damn we will all be a year older buy time that surfaces AINT GOT TIME… Read more »


why not just buy from aliexpress?

Hugo Brown

True, I have used AliExpress but it’s hard to know which seller is legit, I have used AliExpress and can’t say it was a good experience. So many dodgy people on there and the reviews are clearly made up . But yes I have seen the Oneplus on there and great price but not sure I could brave using that site again…

Daniel Tyson

Reasons for not purchasing from AliExpress :

1. The version being sold comes with a Chinese language version of ColorOS
2. The model being sold could not come with compatible LTE bands
3. While I too have purchased many times from AliExpress, there are some dodgy dealers listed on there. Think Wild West.


I’d like to see a OnePlus that works on the upcoming Telstra and Optus 700MHz LTE frequencies.

Anyone updating now should be making sure they buy a phone that supports these frequencies.


I feel the hype for this phone has lost a lot of steam. Seems to me the LG G3 would be a better purchase, or just wait for the Nexus. Especially if it’ll end up costing $530.


Depends on whether or not you need microSD support or not.
If not, then waiting for the N6 is the best idea.
If you do, then going after a G3 is the way to go.


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Why would you bother? The next Nexus will have better specs, will be smaller in size and cheaper too. I think the majority of people lost interest (and respect for) OP months ago.


Seems a bit pricey considering Scott said it ended up being $441 to his door even after going through a forwarding company

Daniel Tyson

The Mobicity price includes Australian warranty don’t forget. If you have to return a faulty unit to the country you purchase it from and get it sent back it could get a little costly.


Also, you cannot mail devices overseas with Li-Ion batteries in them via AusPost. You’ll have to use an expensive courier service.