Google Glass is still not in Australia, but development continues and by the time it does reach our shores, it’s going to be quite full featured. Google has announced the updates in the latest Glass update – XE20.1 – advising a number of new updates for contacts, new cards and a new way to turn Glass on/off.

The first part of the update is probably the largest, with improvements to the way you access contacts from Glass. Previously only a selected list of contacts were available, but from this update, all your contacts will be available with a simple swipe, while 20 of your most recent and starred contacts will be shown prominently. Once you select a contact you can then contact them through Gmail, Hangouts, or SMS.

Glass Contacts

There’s a host of new cards now available in Glass, including what Google call a “‘Sup, Head nudge card”, the card is used to show the status of the head-tilt gesture used to turn Glass on and off. Also added is a ‘Nearby Events card’, which will show nearby events from Google Now in your display. A Currency Converter card has also been added to show the local currency conversion rate when you travel.

New voice commands have been added, which includes new commands for use during phone calls, as well as after recording a video or taking a picture.

That’s it for Glass XE20.1. It’s due to start rolling out to owners soon.

Source: Glass Support.