
We apologise for the slight delay in drawing this competition, but we had a mountain of eligible entries, and it took time for our Christmas-frazzled brains to get through all the entries and work out which ones we thought were the best.

The Game Cave tent. You could be playing games in here!
The Game Cave tent. You will be playing games in here!

First of all, I’d like to announce the runner-up prize winners, each of whom has won a Sony Game Cave:

  • Christine Yelland
  • Dylan St Ruth
  • Lachlan Grant
  • Steve Ford
  • Leoni Codeco

Now, it’s time to announce the winner of the Sony Xperia Z3 and PlayStation 4 combo, which also comes with a game cave for good measure! With his cleverly worded piece, our editors agreed that David Beeston’s entry was the winner:

Shower time. Waterproof. Unstoppable battery. Wrinkled fingers. Water getting cold. Getting hungry. Z3 never stopping. Hypothermia. Can’t stop. Love it. Check Ausdroid. Darkness creeping…

With these mere 25 words, David conjured up images that were amusing, and quickly moving to dark and perhaps even a little bit macabre.. but we thought it rang true with a story we ran a little while back on the need for people to disconnect and spend time with real people.

Congratulations David, and to our runner up winners as well. We will gather your details and forward them to Sony to make the arrangements to deliver your prizes. Sadly I don’t think you’ll have them in time for Christmas, but you should have them soon after.

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Definitely a deserved winner… That entry was about a hundred times better than mine! Well done!


Congratulations to all the competition winners.
Hope you all have wicked fun using your prizes.


Haha. That’s awesome, and I concede superior to my limerick. Congrats, David!