
OnePlus One owners are currently sporting some smug grins since they’re the first to see some Lollipop love as Cyanogen OS 12 begins rolling out to their devices, soon to be followed by more devices. If you’re upgrading your OnePlus One, you can expect to see Material Design interface changes from the first moment of reboot.

The upgrade adds new theming features including an array of new themes to OS 12 (some of which you’ll need to pay for if you want them) and a new version of Cyanogen Email which is in essence, the premium version of Boxer:

This new email experience provides sweet benefits that were previously missing from the built-in mail app. Enjoy Exchange support, multiple account integration, and canned responses for quick replies. Boxer has added great customization bells and whistles – select a different LED color for email notifications, and choose what happens when you swipe left or right on a message.

You can check out the free version of Boxer at the Play Store

Boxer - Workspace ONE
Boxer - Workspace ONE
Developer: Boxer
Price: Free

Cyanogen is one of the longest standing and best know third party ROMs for Android and as always, their reliance on the Open Source community contributions is sited in their blog post as a factor in getting this release to market. As usual, from the reports we’ve had it appears that the rollout is being pushed out in stages to avoid server overload; try again tomorrow if you’ve not yet received any Lollipop love on your OnePlus One.

Are you eagerly awaiting Cyanogen OS12 for your device or do you run another (perhaps stock?) ROM?

Source: Cyanogen Blog.
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It’s possible there may be a little bit more of a delay. I understand that some wake lock issues have been discovered around Google Play Services which leads to some significant battery drain. A fix for those who’ve already had the OTA is intended to be issued next week but is probably going to be built in to a revised OS12 OTA for those who have not yet received theirs.

Jamie Saltmarsh

I think they have done a great job, I guess they have had plenty of time. The theming has been greatly improved.

Shane Lord

Haven’t seen anything yet on my OPO. Check for updates still says the dreaded up to date.


I’m still waiting, too.


I’ve had custom rom running lollipop since November. Not a huge fan of some of the customisations of cm. Their theme engine is clunky too. Layers is a much more elegant way of doing it but it’s good to see them finally get it out there… Only took 5 months.

vijay alapati

can u please make a article of how to use Layers, i loved the xposed article by ausdroid.