Self-Driving Car
Google has become the name that many people think about when the term ‘self-driving’ car is brought up in conversation, just as Tesla is with electric cars. This association is thanks to a (comparatively) long history with the technology and now the cars are ready to hit the public streets, at least in the US.

Google has announced that their protoype self-driving cars, which they announced last December, have been granted approval to begin driving on streets of northern California this summer. The cars are currently equipped with a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, and brake pedal, but Google hopes to remove these in time, and the prototypes are currently limited to a mere 25mph.

The Google self-driving car initiative, or Google Chauffeur as it’s called, is led by engineer Sebastian Thrun, who first created a self-driving car for a Stanford University attempt at a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge in 2005.

Google’s self-driving cars are all equipped with a futuristic (and rather expensive) LIDAR system which is worth around US$70,000. The system also utilises a Velodyne 64-beam laser which allows the car’s on-board computer to map a 3D image of the vehicle’s surroundings.


Having all these electronics and advanced technologies on-board has allowed the Google self-driving car to travel what Google recently announced was 1.7 million miles since 2009. In all those miles and years on the road, the Google self-driving car has only been involved in 11 accidents (all minor), none of which, according to Google, was their fault.

The self-driving car will save lives: there’s a lot of dangerous drivers out there and statistics point towards humans – be it through speeding, fatigue or other factors – being the main cause of collisions or incidents. The fact that Google still has to retain the steering wheel, brake and accelerator in the car for the time being still points to an inherent – if mostly unwarranted – distrust in the technology but with statistics like the ones Google has shown, there’s surely a need, and more likely, a market for the technology.

We’ll see a lot more about the successes (and failures if any) that the self-driving car project has over the coming months and years. Google will be updating the progress of the project on their Google+ page – but I personally can’t wait to get into a so-called ‘Johnny Cab’.

Johnny Cab - Total Recall

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    Also, In terms of morality, this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler, her fascism collateral Sebastian Thrun, along with cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV, are birds of a feather; and I bet no self-respected bird wants to be a bird of their feather___why would anyone?


    ___I can’t imagine any self-esteemed judicial officer could lower his/her intelligence to make a judgement in favor of a criminal suspect as Gabriele Scheler is, __while completely ignoring all of the powerful and firm evidence on Gabriele’s brutality on my body, coupled with much more evidence to prove Scheler’s irrational behaviors like she had also molested office properties on site of the crime scene, plus a series of follow-up retaliatory fascism crimes from fascism powers on side of Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun/ZZZ/YYY/VVV__, but focusing on such trivia and minuscule issues as who ‘dial 911’ first, or who ‘go to FBI’ first,… Read more »


    So, can anybody here help us find out the real identities of hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.); Why are they hiding from public scrutiny? Can they hide from us for ever? _____________________________________________________________ This criminal suspect Gabirle Scheler and her fascism collateral Udacity cofounder Mr. Sebastian Thrun’s side had produced a non-existing law arguing: “Whoever dials 911 first becomes the complainant…” as an excuse to Scheler’s criminal behaviors; ______My Answer______ “You don’t believe there is such a law?” ___No, I am positive that there is not such a law; and I am sure you… Read more »


    One of the major trick in this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler’s argument is that: They blame me for “Why not dial 911?” ___ My answer ___ Such a naive and childish excuse can not fool anybody else, but those fascists themselves; Years back, Scheler’s side had asked me a similar question: “Why not report to FBI?”, as if whoever race to dial 911 first or go to FBI first would be the victim in this criminal case; I don’t have to dial 911 to officially inform authorities of Gabriele Scheler’s campus atrocity crime, do I? and I have informed authorites… Read more »


    You know what I am thinking about these cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.) ___”Lice”, lice are afraid of seeing LIGHT; they’d rather hide in the darkness and suck the blood of others; Yeah, ZZZ/YYY/VVV are afraid of exposing their real identities into the light for public scrutiny, so that they could hide in the darkenss and crook the justice on their hands, and suck the blood of human society, if we consider justice as a vital part in the blood of human society; Look, Gabriele Scheler’s behaviors were extremely irrational on site… Read more »


    It is a tough task to challenge such fascism crimes; As a victim of a series of fascism crimes associated with Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun along with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler, and the likes, what I posted on the web are no more than facts, facts those fascists I challenged dare never officially deny, either publicly or in private; I bet such of their fascism crimes would not be tolerated anywhere in human society; If anyone disagree, especially those in my public challenge, please give us a candid answer right here on this board, which part in my statements… Read more »


    And again, at this stage, the most confusing part of this case is: __What are the real identities of judicial officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, who must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) handling Sebastian Thrun’s case and this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler’s recanted testimony? How can I see their materials to accuse/curse me and to mess up this case? Can anyone here help us know? I have serious questions to ask them; ………………… P.S. ………………… — ZZZ/YYY/VVV are judicial officers (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI? etc.), but not mafia, or are they? their practices as… Read more »


    Fascism may not exist in everywhere, but could come from anywhere; _______________________________________________ ___It is a common sense to all of us that … “Protecting human lives and their basic rights of living supersedes teaching, doing business or doing research”; … Before this case clarified, and those fascists along with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun being concurred, I bet nobody would like to play up personnels associated with fascism crimes, the likes of Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler, nor cover up their fascism crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; I believe we… Read more »


    — Sebastian Thrun had purposefully conspired me in collateral with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler when I cautiously tried to approach him even though he clearly knew I was encouraged to contact him with valid reference from his bosses of Stanford Computer Science department; In March 2010, one day before I tried to file an important complaint at judicial authorities against an officer who’s miscarriage of justice biased on Thrun, Thrun’s student Mr. David Stavens (also an Udacity cofounder) had gone to Stanford police and lied to police and falsely accused me in collateral with Thrun; — So what kind… Read more »


    Miscarriage of justice is one horrible horrible thing that could ever happen to human society; it could result in the victims being further victimized; it could produce retaliatory fascism crimes directly from the judicial system; That day, a man named JayJones argued in comments part of an article titled “Get schools out of the 1890s” by Mr. Newt Gingrich on cnn dot com, that — “Apparently they are tolerated in human society, since neither of them have been arrested or imprisoned. What is your definition of fascist?” — ======== My Answer ======= Dear Mr. JayJones, — Miscarriage of justice is… Read more »


    Here is the statement of how miscarriage of justice is carrying on in Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler’s case, written in Chinese characters; save them for later use, please; _____________________________________ ___Sebastian Thrun 一方法西斯在美国司法系统中极具势力,使得这个本来是非分明,证据明确,并经警察严肃调查过的校园暴力案 — [斯坦福警察档案号: IR 04-111-0335;受害人: Peter Cao; 犯罪嫌疑人: Gabriele Scheler] — 后来在美国司法系统中颠倒黑白,制造冤案以掩盖 Sebastian Thrun, Gabriele Scheler 一方所犯法西斯罪行;而至今那些后来制造冤案的司法官员(namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV)对受害人隐匿他们真实身份黑心办案,并对当事人掩盖案件材料,侵犯隐私,威胁恐吓,阴谋陷害,以阻止澄清案情,从而达到袒护 Sebastian Thrun 与 Gabriele Scheler一方法西斯犯罪的目的; ___有人能让大家知道那些后来处理本案司法官员(namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) 的真实身份么?我有严肃的问题要问他们; ___Again, ZZZ/YYY/VVV are judicial officers (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?), but not mafia, or are they? their practices as judicial officers have to withstand the scrutiny from the… Read more »


    — The point is, though I am a victim while Gabriele Scheler a criminal suspect, my life has been underhandedly cursed and systematically retaliated by fascism powers behind Sebastian Thrun for over 10 years without an end ever since Gabriele Scheler recanted her testimony and falsely accused me at somewhere unknown to me in the judicial system; Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler’s follow up retaliatory crimes had been collateralled by some officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) who’s handling Scheler’s recanted testimony in the judicial system, and who hided their identities… Read more »


    — Would anyone or any organization like to associate himself/herslef/itself with fascism crimes? Would anyone like to be educated by someone who’s misbehavior has brought into our lives anti-humanity crimes which are fascism by nature and which had endangered human lives? Would anyone like to be living in a society under the jurisdiction of some malicious and cowardice officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara county) who hided their identities from us while colluding with those fascists to cover up their fascism crimes and at the same time retaliate on victims? ____________________________ Sebastian… Read more »


    ___Here is the link to the campus atrocity case in which Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun had became a fascism collateral __ http://tDOTcn/R7F1yQ0 __ (replace DOT with . for the right web address __attention to the 7 photo evidence__Here is the link to this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler’s page on RESEARCHGATE-DOT-NET __ http://tDOTcn/RPLEG7D __(replace DOT with . for the right web address ___In addition to a series of retaliatory fascism crimes from Gabriele Scheler’s side, would anyone whose soul has at least a bit sense of mercy on another human being and with at least a fair education in respect to… Read more »