Sony 2

At the end of April Sony very quietly launched the Xperia Z4 in Japan with details of the device, but there were no details of when the device might become available … well, that is, until now.

Sony in China have let the cat out of the bag with the launch date being confirmed as the 26th of May. Cited by Xperia Blog, the image below shows what appears to be (when comparing to some of the press renders) the Xperia Z4 associated with the date 5.26 so perhaps only a day or so away.


I’ll happily confess that with a Z3 compact in my pocket, there is a definite curiosity about the Z4 and its potential and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on one assuming it is released in Australia.

What do you think the Xperia Z4 could do to take on the top end flagships from Samsung and HTC?

Source: Weibo.
Via: Xperia Blog.
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Camera, Camera, Camera.
If the Z4 can stand tall next to the S6 and G4’s camera performance it has an outside chance of getting enthusiast adoption, if not it will remain a produce for its niche and fanboys.
All of the other specs are secondary I think at this point, we know what ever they put together will be good enough for normal use, I’m calling 2015 the battle for Android Cameras.

Alex Gerontzos

Shame I don’t see this being much of a well received device.. I have already read rumors that may put a damper on the z4 that the z5, compact and ultra models are already in testing..