Huawei Nexus
Huawei is making a Nexus. At this time of year, that’s a pretty strong rumour that’s been circulating. The reasons make sense: namely that Google wants an ‘in’ with China, and Huawei wants to expand in western markets. There’s been rumours circulating about specs for a while, but when our favourite leaker throws his 2-cents worth in, we tend to listen.

Evan Blass has tweeted out some specs from his famed @evleaks account, and it’s mostly in-line with what we’ve currently heard.
A 5.7″ QuadHD resolution (2560×1440) display, with a metal body – something we’ve heard rumoured for the Huawei Mate 8 that’s coming soon – and a smoking fast Snapdragon 820 SoC to power the unit and of course, with Android M introducing a new API for it: a fingerprint sensor.

The specs are shaping up pretty well, but will this be the year that Google brings some choice to the Nexus range and releases two phones? That’s the question we’ll need to wait till around October (Q4) for the announcement to see.

Huawei Nexus? LG Nexus? Let’s just get a new Nexus!

Source: @evleaks.
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    5.7″ is too big. It’s a Nexus 5 is should be closer to 5″ not 6″. Anything over 5.2′ and I don’t think I will be getting it. I am still using my original Nexus 5 and have been waiting for a new Nexus in a good size


    Totally agree with you. No bigger than 5.2″ please, Google/LG/Huawei/whoever!


    Just gimme stock Android, a SD820 SoC, a five inch display, a great camera, a 3000mah battery and a great finger print sensor. Don’t care what it costs. I’ll pay anything.


    This could be great !


    which camera is better?


    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… As long as at least one of the upcoming Nexus phones is under $500 AUD, Google/LG/Huawei/whoever can take my money.

    Benjamin Dobell

    Unfortunately, it’s doubtful, the Australian dollar has plummeted since 2013 when the Nexus 5 was released.


    I sincerely hope you’re wrong. The Australian dollar might have suffered recently, but $400+ is still a hefty amount of money to spend on what is a non-essential luxury…

    Knowing my luck, they will price the “cheaper option” at something like $499…

    Benjamin Dobell

    I hope I’m wrong too 😉

    vijay alapati

    So with premium build there will be no wireless charging?

    Daniel Tyson

    Very possibly not.


    but usb c… so less hassle in plugging the device in.

    Daniel Tyson

    lol, took me three goes yesterday to plug the USB-C cable into my Pixel 2 yesterday. I failed at a reversible plug.


    Truly a first world problem that you can’t plug your USB-C connector into your Pixel 2 the first time! Its like Saying the Merc is in the shop, do I take the BWM or Jag to the shops today!?


    Premium build with Nexus software? Is this the dream phone?


    Sounds bigger than I’d like. I have a G3 and its 5.5″ screen with small chin is about as large as I’m comfortable with.

    Dennis Bareis

    The phone will be smaller than I’d like but I’m excited anyway 🙂


    I’m still finding my 5.5″ device just a bit to big, so here’s hoping for a 5″nexus.

    However after having the G4s camera in not sure I could go back to mediocre imaging on my android device.


    considering the prices i’ve seen for the huawei p8, this by no means will mean a return to the great value of the nexus 4 or 5… though that’d be good, wouldn’t it.


    “Snapdragon 820” – welp, there go their sales.


    What’s wrong with the 820?


    Think your thinking about the 810 Ano. 820 hopefully won’t have the same issues (Using Samsung 14nm process, Custom core)