Inbox by Gmail
Google’s excellent next-gen mail client, Inbox, has gotten an update that will make it easier to share those useful trip bundles which contain all your important trip information into one handy group. The update also lets you add any other emails you feel are relevant to your trip to the bundle and make the bundle available offline.

Rolling out the new feature over the next week, the sharing function will be accessible with just one tap with the share button available on the cover page for the bundle. The ability to add more emails to the bundle will be held in the overflow menu under the ‘Move To’ command.


As seemingly a throwaway in the announcement post, Google has also announced they have added in better functionality for attaching photos to emails, with the ability to add multiple pictures to an email in one go.

The update hasn’t yet appeared in the wild as yet, but should over the coming days. Keep your eye on your Google Play for notifications of updates available.

Inbox by Gmail
Inbox by Gmail
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: GMail Blog.
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    “The update also lets you add any other emails you feel are relevant to your trip to the bundle and make the bundle available offline.” is the most important part of this.

    I’ve had a couple bundles for trips appear in the past, but what’s the point if it only contains the flights and maybe a hotel but not any of the other details.. They still need to fix that emails can only live in ‘one’ bundle though.. kinda kills the useful functionality of tabs in gmail.

    Daniel Tyson

    Email the missing details to yourself and add it to the bundle.


    That’s the point I was commenting on.. You previously couldn’t manually add anything to a trip bundle..

    ..and now you can. Which is yay!